Tuesday, May 9, 2006

Food for thought

The original:

Am Ende ist der bestimmt gerichtete Umweg und das vollzugsmäßige Umwegverstehen der Weg.

[MH: Wegmarken, S. 5]

My spontaneous English version:
In the end, the decidedly directed detour and the performative detour-understanding are the way.

My quick French effort:
Enfin, le détour décidément dirigé et la compréhension performative du détour sont la voie.

And both are in tune with the thinking of the thought of this thought!

But now for a "figure-of-speech" (folksy) version that can perhaps explain it to those suspicious of "intellectuals" (and quite deep in and of itself):
Beating around the bush and understanding that's what you're doing is, in the end, the best way to find out all about the bush!

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