Bushbaby Playpen Allows Anti-Gay Pogroms in Iraq
While supposedly AGAINST all things Irani and IN FAVOR OF the spread of human rights and democracy, the current US administration, military division, does nothing to hinder the IRAN inspired hunting-down and killing of gays in Iraq.
Doug Ireland, writing yesterday for IN THESE TIMES sums it up as follows:
Shiite death squads in Iraq are carrying out a campaign that targets gay men for murder. This so-called “sexual cleansing” is happening under the nose of the U.S. military—but American authorities in the Green Zone have refused to do anything about it.
Here is the link to the complete article from In These Times, May 31, 2006.
Another shining example of ensuring human rights is what the bushbaby is doing here. Use every electoral and judicial opportunity to remove this band of renegades from office! They are a threat to democracy in the US, to human rights throughout the world, and to world peace!
(And if you think: "I'm not gay or in Iraq, so what to I care." Well, just remember, you may well be on the next list. Perhaps you laugh at the wrong jokes, for example...)
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