Saturday, March 31, 2007

Bushbaby Remains Baby Even If Some Playpenalers Mature

The force of that baby rattle must be enormous to keep the bushbaby so infantile that it refuses to close an undemocratic, unjust prison clearly in violation of human rights and all principles of justice to everyone outside his playpen even when a couple of his playmates there finally get up the gumption to tell him he should shut it down. We're talking about Guantánamo!

Le secrétaire à la défense, Robert Gates, s'est prononcé, jeudi 29 mars, pour la fermeture de la prison de Guantanamo et le transfèrement sur le sol américain des "ennemis combattants" qui y sont détenus. Cette prise de position va à l'encontre de celle adoptée jusqu'à présent par le président George Bush, selon laquelle les étrangers soupçonnés de terrorisme ne doivent pas pouvoir prétendre aux garanties constitutionnelles américaines.
© Le

The New York Times
The President’s Prison
Published: March 25, 2007
The Guantánamo Bay detention camp has profoundly damaged the nation’s credibility as a champion of justice and human rights.

New to Job, Gates Argued for Closing Guantánamo
Published: March 23, 2007

Alberto R. Gonzales and Dick Cheney’s office expressed strong objections to moving detainees to the U.S.

Flying Off to The Countess

The preparations and duties are complete and the Page and Consort will be flying off to Chicora Court to partake of final joys in the presence of the Countess as the weekend ends, flying into the land where flight began, where the Page began, where the Countess began, and where now the Countess is informing her Court of ultimate plateaux and final experiences. "No, I'm not afraid, I'm not scared," she tells us all, and the Page has every reason to believer her. Sad, perhaps worried, about having to take leave of those so dear to her at Court: her Lady-in-Waiting with family, her Page and his Consort, all her Chicks, all her siblings and in-laws and nieces and nephews, all those she has always given to. But she should, I'm sure she does, know that they have all received more than could be wished. When the Countess leaves them all, she should have the SMILE of having done it well on her lips.

Alternative Berlin Declaration

Thanks to Wolfgang Schulz for pointing me to this important comment on and alternative to the dazzling spectacle of Europe's birthday party in Berlin and the great LACKS of the official Berlin Declaration, to which I provided links.

Also in this regard, I would again like to point to the excellent Brussels Declaration on a Secular Vision for Europe by here giving the link to my earlier blog on that subject from March 8 called "In Support of Vision for Europe".

The following alternatives must indeed be acted upon in order to ensure that Europe is democratically based. It is time for a Constitution guaranteeing rights to the people in all of Europe, but it must certainly be done so as to expand democratic participation in all decisions on a European level. See the following (again, with thanks to Wolfgang!):

Alternative Berlin Declaration
We need real dialogue
The 50th anniversary of the Rome Treaties provides an occasion for the much needed analysis of the present crisis of democracy and legitimacy in the European Union. We call on the Heads of States and Governments and the German EU presidency to:
Respect the explicit "no" to the EU constitution in France and the Netherlands! It was an expression of the alienation felt between voters and the political class and it was a vote for a Europe of the citizens. Angela Merkel's request to revive the EU constitution at the highest level and behind closed doors would not solve the crisis but intensify it. We demand for an open, democratic process - without artificial time-pressure - in which the citizens will have the decisive say about the future of Europe. We demand there be proper public debate on the questions that EU leaders have been unable to answer during the last five years, e.g.:
How can the EU create a Europe of the citizens, and a democratic Europe of democracies? How can the democratic deficit present within the EU be resolved? How can the EU achieve transparency and a truly democratic form of governance? What role could direct democracy play at the European level? How can the EU safeguard and enhance human and civil rights in Europe?What exactly falls under the jurisdiction of the EU? How can real subsidiarity be secured? How are the EU institutions to be reformed? And finally; what vision should we have for Europe? What significance should it have and could it have for the world and its citizens?
We demand a bottom-up process that is open in its results and open to initiatives and contributions from civil society. The process of shaping the EU needs forums on the future of European, in which people can come together and express themselves, for example, in regional forums, national forums, European forums, and in debates with representatives from civil society, cultural representatives, governments and commerce. To make sure that the results of these debates can be realised in a legal framework we need a new convention on the future of Europe.
A new convention on the future of Europe
Eurocrats and leading EU politicians are very remote from the problems and concerns of the citizens. The previous EU convention was neither democratically legitimate nor open with its results. We demand a new convention on the future of Europe, which actually represents the interest of the citizens. This time it must be safeguarded by distinct rules, the convention should:
- be directly elected. Its members come from all areas and levels of society.
- be open in its results and without to much time-pressure. It should develop proposals for a document on the democratic future of Europe. These proposals must be in accordance with the constitutions of member states. The result will be voted on, in referendums in all EU member states.
- have meetings which are open to the public. In a continuous citizen participation process single citizens as well as organisations of civil society, must be given the opportunity to take part directly in the debate and should be able to influence its results.
- If the convention does not come to an agreement regarding specific topics minority reports can be added to the ballot as an alternative option of the document. Parallel to the convention it must be possible by a procedure of public initiative to present an alternative draft of the document to the voters of all EU member states.
- In the run-up to the referenda fair and unbiased public information about the document and its alternatives must be presented.
Democracy is a basic European value which includes freedom, participation, solidarity and the acknowledgement of fundamental human rights. We call on governments to not obstruct a democratic improvement of Europe from below. Better contribute to it by improving the conditions for democracy!


Alternative Berliner Erklärung
Dialog braucht eine neue Qualität
Der heutige Tag muss vor allem Anlass sein, die Probleme der EU nüchtern zu analysieren und einen Weg aus der gegenwärtigen Demokratie- und Legitimationskrise zu finden. Wir fordern die Regierungsvertreter und die deutsche Ratspräsidentschaft dazu auf:
Respektieren Sie das klare Nein zum vorliegenden Verfassungsvertrag in Frankreich und den Niederlanden! Es ist Ausdruck der Entfremdung zwischen den Wählern und der politischen Klasse und ein Votum für ein Europa der Bürgerinnen und Bürger. Die von Angela Merkel geforderte Wiederbelebung des aktuellen Vorschlags auf höchster Ebene und hinter verschlossenen Türen würde die Krise nicht lösen, sondern nur verstärken. Wir
fordern einen offenen, demokratischer Prozess - ohne künstlich erzeugten Zeitdruck - bei dem die Bürgerinnen und Bürgern das entscheidende Wort über die Zukunft Europas haben. Wir fordern eine öffentliche Debatte über die Fragen, die führende EU Politiker während der letzten fünf Jahre nicht beantworten konnten, z.B.:
Wie schaffen wir ein Europa der Bürgerinnen und Bürger, ein Europa der Demokratie und der Demokratien? - Wie wird der tiefgreifende Demokratiemangel der EU überwunden? - Wie entstehen Transparenz und demokratische Kontrolle? - Wie kann direkte Demokratie auf europäischer Ebene funktionieren? - Wie können die Grund- und Menschenrechte in Europa gesichert und erweitert werden? - Was soll die EU überhaupt regeln? Wie lässt sich Subsidiarität absichern? - Wie können die EU-Institutionen reformiert werden? - Und letztlich: Welche Vision haben wir für Europa? Welche Bedeutung hat es für die Welt und für seine Bürger?
Wir fordern einen ergebnisoffenen Prozess, der von unten gestaltet wird und offen ist für alle Initiativen aus der Zivilgesellschaft. Zu diesem Gestaltungsprozess müssen Foren über die europäische Zukunft geschaffen und genutzt werden, in denen sich die Menschen begegnen und artikulieren können, wie z.B. Regionalforen, Europäisches Sozialforum, runde Tische mit Vertretern der Zivilgesellschaft bzw. der Kultur, der Regierungen und Geschäftswelt. Damit Gesprächsergebnisse gebündelt und bis in die rechtliche Ordnung hinein umgesetzt werden können, braucht das Gespräch über die Zukunft Europas einen neuen Konvent:
Ein neuer Konvent für die Zukunft Europas
Eurokraten und führende Politiker der Mitgliedsstaaten sind weit von den Problemen und Wünschen der Bürger entfernt. Der bisherige EU-Konvent war weder demokratisch legitimiert noch ergebnisoffen. Wir fordern einen neuen Konvent über die Zukunft Europas, der tatsächlich die Interessen der Bürger vertritt. Dies muss durch klare Spielregeln gewährleistet werden, z.B.:
- Der Konvent wird direkt gewählt. Seine Mitglieder kommen aus allen Bereichen und Ebenen der Gesellschaft.
- Ergebnisoffen und ohne Zeitdruck erarbeitet der Konvent Vorschläge für ein Dokument über eine demokratisch verfasste Zukunft Europas. Dieses muss im Einklang mit den Verfassungen der Mitgliedsstaaten stehen. In Referenden in allen EU-Staaten wird das Ergebnis zur Abstimmung gestellt.
- Das Gremium tagt öffentlich. Einzelne Bürger, zivilgesellschaftlichen Gruppierungen und Organisationen müssen die Möglichkeit haben, sich im Sinne einer fortlaufenden Bürgerbeteiligung direkt an der Diskussion zu beteiligen und die Ergebnisse zu beeinflussen.
- Kommt es in dem Konvent in einzelnen Fragen nicht zu einer Einigung, so können Minderheitenpositionen als Varianten des Dokuments mit zur Abstimmung gestellt werden. Parallel zum Konvent muss es durch ein Bürgerinitiativ-Verfahren möglich sein, bei den Referenden in allen EU-Staaten den Wählern einen Alternativentwurf zum Konvents-Dokument zur Abstimmung vorzulegen.
- Bei den zur Abstimmung gestellten Varianten und Alternativen ist eine faire und ausgewogene Information der Öffentlichkeit sicherzustellen.
Demokratie ist der grundlegende europäische Wert, der die Aspekte der Freiheit, der Teilhabe und der Solidarität und damit das Bekenntnis zu den Grund- und Menschenrechten einschließt. Wir fordern die Regierungen auf: Stehen Sie einer demokratischen Weiterentwicklung Europas von unten nicht im Wege! Helfen Sie vielmehr mit, die Bedingungen dafür zu schaffen!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Page thanks you all...

To uncles and aunts, cousins, friends of the family, and all the Chicks of Chicora Court:
Thank you for attending the Countess!
Thank you for supporting the Lady-in-Waiting!
This Page abroad is so grateful, so deeply grateful...
Final experiences can be good!
The Countess told me so, knows that all her current experiences are final ones, is honored to experience them all as good.
You all are making that possibe.

Thank you ! Danke ! Merci ! Grazie ! благодарности ! Gracias !

Illegal Playpenal Iraq Adventure - says SAUDI KING !

Just look at this and ask yourself why anyone with even half a mind still thinks US soldiers should be there putting their own lives at risk and increasing the danger from fundamentalist terrorists to all inhabitants of the western world in doing so:

The New York Times
International / Middle East
U.S. Iraq Role Is Called Illegal by Saudi King
Published: March 29, 2007

King Abdullah’s speech at a meeting of Arab leaders underscored growing differences between Saudi Arabia and the Bush administration.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Follow-up on Charlie Hebdo

That puts it in a nut shell. What follows are a few more details with the occasional link to more in-depth reports.
Relaxés !
Le tribunal correctionnel de Paris a relaxé Charlie Hebdo, poursuivi pour avoir publié des caricatures de Mahomet. Jean-Claude Magendie, a estimé que les caricatures mises en cause par la Grande mosquée de Paris, la Ligue islamique mondiale et l'Union des organisations islamiques de France (UOIF) ne constituaient pas une injure vis-à-vis de la communauté musulmane. Les juges ont estimé que les caricatures relevaient de la liberté d'expression et ne s'en prenaient pas à l'islam mais aux intégristes. [jeudi 22 mars 2007]

International / Europe
French Court Rules for Newspaper That Printed Muhammad Cartoons
Published: March 23, 2007
The paper and its editor were accused by two Muslim groups of
“publicly abusing a group of people because of their religion.”

A l'issue de quelques minutes d'audience, le président Jean-Claude Magendie a prononcé la relaxe et rejeté les demandes des parties civiles. En reproduisant les caricatures danoises de Mahomet qui avaient suscité des réactions violentes à travers le monde, en ajoutant en une son propre dessin signé Cabu, Charlie ne s'est pas rendu coupable d' «injures publiques» envers les musulmans.

A Countess Is A Countess !

Weaker, she'll use a walker.

More tired, she'll doze more.

Less appetite, she'll munch when she likes.

More pain, she'll take her meds.

But the Countess remains the Countess !

When it's harder on the Lady-in-Waiting, the Page attempts to provide her long-distance advice, support, comfort...

But the Lady-in-Waiting and the Page only have their titles because...

...the Countess remains the Countess!

And if visitors only get to see the Countess sleeping, napping, resting, dozing, or even snoring, they should know what a privilege it is to see her,

the Countess remaining the Countess!
* * *

The Berlin Declaration - Berliner Erklärung - Déclaration de Berlin

Meeting in Berlin over the weekend, EU leaders adopted a Declaration to mark 50 years of the Rome Treaty. It spells out what the Union has achieved, what it is for and the challenges ahead. The Declaration reaffirms that "the European Union is founded on equal rights and mutually supportive cooperation" and that "the unnatural division of Europe is now consigned to the past". On the Constitution it calls for it to be put on a "renewed common basis before EP elections in 2009".

Mit der feierlichen „Berliner Erklärung," die am Sonntag aus Anlass des 50. Jahrestages der Römischen Verträge in einer feierlichen Zeremonie der Staats- und Regierungschefs verabschiedet wurde, verbindet Parlamentspräsident Hans-Gert Pöttering die Hoffnung auf Inspiration und Mut für einen neuen Aufbruch. Der Parlamentspräsident gehört mit der
amtierenden EU-Ratspräsidentin Angela Merkel und Kommissionspräsident José Manuel Barroso zu den Unterzeichnern der Erklärung.
C’est à Berlin, dans la ville qui a longtemps symbolisé la division de l’Europe, que les dirigeants européens se sont réunis ce week-end. A l’occasion des 50 ans du Traité de Rome, ils ont adopté une déclaration dans laquelle ils se félicitent de la fin de la « division artificielle de l’Europe ». Rappelant que l’intégration est « unique en son genre », les dirigeants des 27 appellent à asseoir l’Union sur « des bases communes rénovées d’ici les élections au Parlement européen de 2009 ».

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Happy Birthday Europe !

50th Anniversary of Europe - The Treaty of Rome, March 25, 1957

50e anniversaire d'Europe - Traité de Rome, 25 mars 1957

50. Jahrestag Euorpas - Vertrag von Rom, 25. März 1957

Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Debate Continues...

As ever more intellectuals participate in and respond to this debate begun with a couple of publications on the German website "Perlentaucher" and its English language version "Sign and Sight", I'm again referring to this vital discussion of the integrability of Islam into Western culture, its potential for, or hostility to, Enlightenment, and whether or not "moderate" Islam should be encouraged, or all forms opposed due to fundamental religious-based incompatibilty with values of freedom of expression and tolerance.
Here follow the summaries and links to the ever growing list of articles. Well worth consideration.

Die Multikulturalismus-Debatte

Wen soll der Westen unterstützen: Gemäßigte Islamisten wie Tariq Ramadan oder islamische Dissidenten wie Ayaan Hirsi Ali? Hat die Gruppe höhere Rechte als das Individuum? Pascal Bruckner hat mit seiner Polemik gegen Ian Burumas Buch "Murder in Amsterdam" und gegen Timothy Garton Ashs Artikel zu diesem Buch in der New York Review of Books eine internationale Debatte ausgelöst. Auf Bruckners Artikel haben Ian Buruma und Timothy Garton Ash inzwischen geantwortet. Necla Kelek schreibt: Der Islam ist nicht so stark in sich differenziert, wie es Ian Buruma gerne hätte. Und Paul Cliteur meint: Religiöser Terrorismus ist keine Reaktion auf zu heftige Kritik am Islam. Auch Lars Gustafsson, Stuart Sim und Ulrike Ackermann haben eingegriffen. Weitere Artikel folgen.

The Multicultural Issue

Who should the West support: moderate Islamists like Tariq Ramadan, or Islamic dissidents like Ayaan Hirsi Ali? Are the rights of the group higher than those of the individual? With a fiery polemic against Ian Buruma's "Murder in Amsterdam" and Timothy Garton Ash's review of this book in the New York Review of Books, Pascal Bruckner has kindled an international debate. By now Ian Buruma, Timothy Garton Ash, Necla Kelek, Paul Cliteur, Lars Gustafsson, Stuart Sim, Ulrike Ackermann and Adam Krzeminski have all stepped into the ring.

Spring begins!

While we hardly had any winter, we did get this fairy land of snow yesterday evening! Was around 10pm, absolutely dark, but the flash at least caught the snow clinging to the fir tree at our balcony. By this morning it was all practically gone, because the temperature was hovering a bit above freezing the whole time. Was absolutely beautiful! And at Chicora Court it's reportedly 20°, while we have 2° C. Anyway. On the weekend we're supposed to have spring temps in springtime too.

Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 19, 2007

Countess and Cousins

Herewith the Page's expression of deepest appreciation to:
  • Two Cousins attending the Countess during the Lady-in-Waiting's absence from Court for home visitation and dental attention;
  • all the Chicks of Chicora Court for all their concerned commitment to their Countess;
  • the Friends of the Court, whether of the Countess personally, of the L-i-W, of the Page, or of all together, for their humbling and enriching presence;
  • all Family members through so many generations for their sustenance not only of the Countess herself, but also of the Page, when he was there, and especially of the Lady-in-Waiting, who will ever more need their shoulders to lean on;
  • unknown blood donors everywhere, the pool of which provides the Countess with life's elixir;
  • the Hospice Team of Nash General for enabling the Court to function;
  • The Countess - just simply for being.

Iraqis not hapy with playpenal assistance!

Just as an example of what I'm talking about below, check into the following:

Poll: Fear, Anger, Stress Grip Iraqis -
WASHINGTON -- The optimism that helped sustain Iraqis during the first few years of the war has dissolved into widespread fear, anger and distress amid unrelenting violence, a survey found.

Here's the link to the full results of the survey.

And other press info on it:

Angst, Verzweiflung, Hoffnungslosigkeit
Kein Vertrauen in die USA, wenig in die eigene Führung und keine Alternativen in Sicht - viele Iraker haben die Hoffnung aufgegeben und erwarten auch in Zukunft keine wirkliche Verbesserung. Das ist Fazit einer Umfrage von ARD, ABC News, BBC und der Zeitung "USA Today".
Der Alltag der Iraker ist geprägt von der allgegenwärtigen Gewalt im Land - und die zivile Infrastruktur fast ganz zusammengebrochen und die meisten glauben nicht, dass sich das noch ändern wird.
Von Jan Oltmanns,

Les Irakiens, quatre ans après l'invasion américaine de leur pays, se déclarent de plus en plus pessimistes et éprouvent un sentiment d'insécurité quant à leur l'avenir, selon un sondage publié lundi 19 mars. Selon ce sondage, commandé par la BBC et la télévision américaine ABC News, seulement 39 % des Irakiens interrogés pensent que leur vie est train de s'améliorer. Ils sont 35 % à estimer que les choses vont aller mieux l'année prochaine et un peu plus d'un quart – 26 % – déclarent se sentir en sécurité dans leur propre quartier.

A Movement for the Enlightenment

Lessons behind me, having to my delight read sparks in MH's Die Überwindung der Metaphysik on the tram home, I checked the mailbox to find the latest issue of L'Infini, which I had been awaiting, awaiting me, opened it and discovered the light of these remarks in this edition's first piece, by Philippe Sollers:

Mouvement des Lumières
Je pense à l'actualité massacrante et confuse, j'ouvre le Dictionnaire philosophique, je vais droit à l'article Fanatisme, je tâche de comprendre pourquoi il s'agit d'une maladie endémique et épidémique qui, gangrénant les cerveaux, est presque incurable. « Dès que ce mal fait des progrès, dit Voltaire, il faut fuir, et attendre que l'air soit purifié. » Il ajoute : « Que répondre à un homme qui vous dit qu'il aime mieux obéir à Dieu qu'aux hommes, et qui, en conséquence, est sûr de mériter le ciel en vous égorgeant ? »
Bonne question, et qui se repose sans cesse (on se croirait aujourd'hui à Bagdad ou au
Proche-Orient). Le fanatisme serait donc éternel, comme les dévots en tous genres, il s'agirait d'une pathologie génétique sur fond de sauvagerie, réclamant sans cesse sa ration de sang, véritable histoire de vampires. Nous avons été payés pour le constater depuis deux siècles, et ça continue de plus belle, n'est-ce pas, inutile de s'appesantir.
[Philippe Sollers, L'Infini 98, Printemps 2007, Paris, Éditions Gallimard, Mars 2007, p.3]

What follows are my own spontaneous English and German versions of Sollers' text:

Movement of Enlightenment
I think about our massacring and confused current age, I open the Philosophical Dictionary, I turn straight to the article Fanaticism, I attempt to understand why it's an endemic and epidemic illness gangrening brains, nearly incurable. "For when the disorder has made any progress," Voltaire says, "we should, without loss of time, fly from the seat of it, and wait till the air has become purified from contagion." He adds, "What can be said in answer to a man who says he will rather obey God than men, and who consequently feels certain of meriting heaven by cutting your throat?"
Good question, and one endlessly raised (today you might think you're in Baghdad or in the Near East). So fanaticism will be eternal then, like all those devout people, it's some kind of genetic pathology on a foundation of savagery, endlessly demanding its ration of blood, a true vampire story. We have been learning this at our own cost for two centuries, and it just keeps on getting worse, doesn't it? No use going on about it.
[Translation: R. Gardner; translation of Voltaire taken from: The Works of Voltaire, A Contemporary Version, (New York: E.R. DuMont, 1901), trans. William F. Fleming.]

Bewegung der Aufklärung
Ich denke an die verwirrenden Nachrichten von Massakern, ich schlage das Philosophische Wörterbuch auf, ich blättere sofort zum Artikel Fanatismus, ich versuche zu verstehen, warum dies eine endemische und epidemische Krankheit ist, die Gehirne zerfrisst und fast unheilbar ist. "Denn kaum dringt dies Übel heran", sagt Voltaire, "so heißt es fliehen und warten, bis die Luft sich gereinigt hat." Er fügt hinzu: "Was soll man einem erwidern, der Ihnen sagt, dass er lieber Gott als den Menschen gehorcht, und der sich deshalb sicher ist, einen Platz im Himmelreich zu
verdienen, wenn er Ihnen den Hals durchschneidet?
Gute Frage, und eine, die sich endlos stellt (heutzutage würden wir meinen in Bagdad oder im Nahen Osten zu sein). Fanatismus wäre also ewig, wie die Devoten aller Schattierungen, eine genetische Pathologie auf einem Fundament der Bestialität, die endlos seinen Blutzoll verlangt – eine echte Vampiren-Geschichte. Wir haben dies seit zwei Jahrhunderten schon schwer bezahlt, und es wird nur noch schlimmer, oder? Bringt nichts, sich darauf zu versteifen.
[Translation: R. Gardner]

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Coming Next Week: Verdict in Charlie Hebdo Case

Procès de Charlie Hebdo : verdict le 22 mars
La 17 ème chambre du TGI (Tribunal de grande instance) de Paris rendra son verdict dans le procès de Charlie Hebdo le 22 mars à partir de 13h30.

Charlie Hebdo Trial: verdict March 22
The 17th chamber of the TGI (High Court) of Paris will render it verdict in this trial on March 22 at 1:30 pm.

Prozeß gegen Charlie Hebdo: Urteil 22. März
Die 17. Kammer des TGI (Hohen Gerichts) von Paris wird seinen Urteil in diesem Prozeß am 22. März um 13.30 Uhr verkünden.

Que le tribunal se prononce pour la liberté d'expression!
May the court pronounce in favor of freedom of speech!
Möge das Gericht sich für die Meinungsfreiheit äußern!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Things... / Was...

Things disgusting
Was anekelt…

  • Medical procedures that don’t transpire with the possible and necessary efficiency and the appropriate consideration of the patient’s condition, namely: ill.
    Medizinische Verfahren, die nicht mit der möglichen und notwendigen Effizienz durchgeführt werden – oder mit gebotener Rücksicht auf den Patientenzustand: krank.
  • A President who calls for respect for justice and human rights, fighting wars in their name, and refuses to respect them.
    Ein Präsident, der die Achtung der Gerechtigkeit und der Menschenrechte verlangt, Kriege in deren Namen führt, doch selbst ihnen keinen Respekt zollt.
  • A country which rightly asserts the need for more efforts to protect the environment, combat climate change, reduce CO2 emissions but resists all efforts to place a speed limit on its highways.
    Ein Land, das zurecht die Notwendigkeit weiterer Bemühungen behauptet, um die Umwelt zu schützen, den Klimawandel zu bekämpfen und den CO2-Ausstoß zu verringern, aber allen Bemühungen widersteht, ein Tempolimit auf den Autobahnen einzuführen.
  • A Chancellor who utters such profound statements to the press: „We want to create the balance that exists everywhere…“
    Eine Kanzlerin, die solch abgrundtiefe Äußerungen an die Presse gibt: “Wir wollen den Balance schaffen, der überall besteht…”
  • Drivers parking their cars anywhere they please, regardless of what they block or destroy, and with complete disregard for parking regulations.
    Autofahrer, die ihre Autos überall parken, wenn es ihnen dort gefällt, ohne Rücksicht auf, was sie blockieren oder zerstören, und mit völliger Missachtung der Parkverbote.
  • Two government agencies each maintaining its own lack of responsibility for a given situation and the other’s sole responsibility for the same.
    Zweie Behörden, die jeweils ihre eigene Kompetenz für eine bestimmte Sache abstreiten und die andere Behörde als allein dafür verantwortlich erklären.
  • Publishers you have to remind to collect the royalties they participate in from the theater performing your translation.
    Verlage, die man daran erinnern muss, die Tantiemen für eine Übersetzung, an denen sie beteiligt sind, von dem Theater, das sie vorführt, einzutreiben.
  • Lists of disgusting things.
    Listen ekeliger Sachen.

Was freut…
Things pleasing

  • Ein Lächeln an so einem wunderschönen sonnigen Tag.
    A smile on such a wonderfully sunny day.
  • Life and love and literature and licentiousness and longing and learning and NOW.
    Das Leben, die Liebe, die Literatur, die Freizügigkeit, das Sehnen, das Lernen und das JETZT.

So put him on trial !!!

Well, then, it is time, has been for a long time already, to put this fellow on trial, to "bring him to justice", which means to put him before a court of law for proceedings on the charges against him. Now that he's confessed, not even the bushbaby playpen should have anything more against doing justice in this case! Let a judge and jury determine his guilt (or innocence) and the sentence to which he may be condemned.
The civilized world must show it can exercise justice even against those committed to destroying that very system!

The New York Times
Suspected Leader of 9/11 Attacks Is Said to Confess
Published: March 15, 2007

“I was responsible for the 9/11 operation, from A to Z,” Khalid Shaikh Mohammed said, according to a Pentagon transcript.

And here is the link to the partially censored transcript made available by the Pentagon.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

US General Holds Views Equivalent to Fundamentalist Islamists!

Here are the articles:
Top general calls homosexuality 'immoral' - Chicago Tribune
An excerpt which could be a quote from a strict enforcer of the Sharia:

"I believe homosexual acts between two individuals are immoral and that we should not condone immoral acts," Pace said in a wide-ranging discussion with Tribune editors and reporters in Chicago. "I do not believe the United States is well served by a policy that says it is OK to be immoral in any way.

Here The New York Times provides another damnable quote from the most dishonorable General Pace:

“I do not believe that the armed forces of the United States are well served by saying, through our policies, that it’s okay to be immoral in any way, not just with regards homosexuality. So from that standpoint, saying that gays should serve openly in the military to me says that we, by policy, would be condoning what I believe is immoral activity. And therefore, as an individual, I would not want that to be our policy, just like I would not want it to be our policy that if we were to find out that so-and-so was sleeping with someone else’s wife, that we would just look the other way, which we do not — we prosecute that kind of immoral behavior between members of the armed forces.”

Yeah, and, as CNN reports,

The general also compared homosexuality to adultery -- behavior that is prosecuted in the military, he said.

With which he further agrees with those he is supposedly "protecting" us from - with troops fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan - in condemning gays and adulterers equally. Is there any wonder the US is losing friends among the civilized and placing a smile on the faces of the foes of democracy, human rights, and justice with every utterance of the bushbaby and his playpen? The terrorist are surely thrilled to have these playpenalers do their dirty work for them.
In this final link you can hear the original voice of this frighteningly fundamentalist sympathizer wearing general's stars for America expressing ideas you might have expected from Islamist terrorizers of civilization and the Enlightenment!

A New Plateau

Is it flat? Is it fair? Is it founded?
For the Countess, it is not merely a label of a stage of just any journey. The only journey.
Feeling bushed, napping more, feeling nauseous, eating far less, feeling pain, taking meds till now always rejected.
Life-sustaining blood components' counts dropping, more transfusions scheduled.
Taking it day by day. Still trying to smile and laugh on the phone or when visitors drop in, lethargic when afterwards alone with a Lady-in-Waiting whose wait is in dismay, a wait for plateau shifts she in no way desires, certainly yearning for release, but not the only release that can come. The only journey.
And a Page sits at a keyboard typing in words well knowing that the best syllables may be those semi-articulate ones his parrot pronounces to the Countess on the phone, utterances to which she responds with true cheer, life to life, proud a parrot is speaking with her.
A Page who has once attended another across these plateaux wishes that Lady-in-Waiting would not have to experience what is coming, knowing that she however will, both of them wishing the Countess that all the peace and dignity and grace and brilliance, scattered through her life, now be gathered into flaming strength no tear can douse.
For not just to these two is this Countess truly royal: There are all those Chicks of her Chicora Court, all those friends to whom she has always been known as giver and supporter, seldom taker, to brothers and sisters, their husbands and wives and children and grandchildren, to brothers- and sisters-in-law, their mates, their offspring, for generations often.
This plateau you are on now, dear Countess, is full of such inhabitants, all of us wishing it broad and even and smooth and durable, washing it with our tears and grateful for the cheer you offer, for the time to be shared, yearning all of us for our next meeting, the further away we may be, the longer we must wait, the firmer and more durable we wish this plateau. May it so long be new that it becomes old like mesas eroded to beauty.
Das Ereignis, daß Sein ist, west, zeitigt, nichtet, ereignet sich.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Sontags Last Essays & Speeches

Essays and Speeches.
By Susan Sontag. Edited by Paolo Dilonardo and Anne Jump.
235 pp. Farrar, Straus & Giroux. $23.
This volume includes her wonderful essay on after 9/11 and her warnings of the disaster of the bushbaby playpen and sacrifice of human and civil rights and justice supposedly to combat terrorism. Here follows the review from the NYT.
New York Times: Books / Sunday Book Review
September Song, a review
Published: March 11, 2007
The amplified note of despair and loss in “At the Same Time” makes Sontag resemble one of the European “last” intellectuals she often wrote about, “that Saturnine hero of modern culture” standing alone in the ruins of history. This anguish may seem exaggerated, part of her frequently noted self-regard. But, in her later weariness with modern civilization, Sontag fulfilled a particularly American destiny. Gertrude Stein once claimed that America was the oldest country in the world, since it was the “mother of the 20th-century civilization.” Sontag, who had a tragic sense of history rarely found among her peers, never failed to absorb the lessons of her country’s old age and accumulated experience of modernity. It is why the melancholy and occasional bitter wisdom of her last writings appear to be of a mature and passionately engaged American rather than of a marginal and jaded European sensibility — one that has not only learned from the past but, by grappling vigorously with the present, can also divine, if gloomily, the future.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Seeing Being in Art

Views on Europe
Europe and German Painting in the 19th Century
08.03. - 20.05.2007


Regards sur l`Europe
L`Europe et la peinture allemande du 19e siécle
08.03. - 20.05.2007


Blicke auf Europa
Europa und die deutsche Malerei des 19. Jahrhunderts
08.03. - 20.05.2007

Friday, March 9, 2007

Does the Countess Like Ginger Ale?

With a royally upset stomach from an unnecessarily passed-on bug, The Countess is to be encouraged, by the Lady-in-Waiting, to assure sufficient intake of fluids (as in drinking) while hoping the L-i-W does not need to compete with The Countess for use of the secondary throne at Court. Both, the Page recommends from abroad, would do well to drink ginger ale, or even to make ginger tea (ordinary ginger in boiling water to steep for 5 minutes will work just fine), proven digestive relaxers. This sideshow should be halted as quickly as possible.
The Countess and her Court (L-i-W first and foremost) must have their heads (and the remainder of their systems) unencumbered sufficiently so as to concentrate on blood counts and any eventual replenishment thereof which may prove advisable or necessary.
Easy for a Page with no belly ache to say, but that's the opinion from over here.
(Besides, L-i-W's daughter is already announcing real estate quests in the Ducal vicinity for the weekend, and I don't think they need to test the sanitary tracts of proposed objects.)

Ginger Tea Recipe
Ginger tea is thought to improve digestion and relieve nausea. It is also used to ward off colds, sore throat and the flu.
It's very easy to make ginger tea. Here's how to do it.

Ginger Tea Recipe
  • 4 cups of water
  • 2 inch piece of fresh ginger root
  • optional: honey and lemon
Peel the ginger root and slice it into thin slices. Bring the water to a boil in a saucepan. Once it is boiling, add the ginger. Cover it and reduce to a simmer for 15-20 minutes. Strain the tea. Add honey and lemon to taste.

Note: Keep in mind that if you are making this tea to strengthen the immune system and ward off colds and flu, sweeteners are not recommended.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

In Support of "Vision for Europe"

Brussels Declaration

We, the people of Europe, hereby affirm our common values. They are based not on a single culture or tradition but are founded in all of the cultures that make up modern Europe.

  • We affirm the worth, dignity and autonomy of every individual, and the right of everyone to the greatest possible freedom compatible with the rights of others. We support democracy and human rights and aim at the fullest possible development of every human being.
  • We recognise our duty of care to all of humanity including future generations, and our dependence on and responsibility for the natural world.
  • We affirm the equality of men and women. All persons regardless of race, origin, religion or belief, language, gender, sexual orientation or ability must have equal treatment before the law.
  • We affirm the right of everyone to adopt and follow a religion or belief of their choosing. But the beliefs of any group may not be used to limit the rights of others.
  • We hold that the state must remain neutral in matters of religion and belief, favouring none and discriminating against none.
  • We hold that personal liberty must be combined with social responsibility. We seek to create a fair society based on reason and compassion, in which every citizen is enabled to play their full part.
  • We uphold both tolerance and freedom of expression.
  • We affirm the right of everyone to open and comprehensive education.
  • We reject intimidation, violence and incitement to violence in the furtherance of disputes, and hold that conflicts must be resolved through negotiation and by legal means.
  • We uphold freedom of inquiry in every sphere of human life, and the application of science in the service of human welfare. We seek to use science creatively, not destructively.
  • We uphold artistic freedom, value creativity and imagination, and recognise the transforming power of art. We affirm the importance of literature, music, and the visual and performing arts for personal development and fulfilment.

Made this 25th day of March 2007, being the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome and the foundation of the European Union.

The Declaration was formally launched in Brussels on 27th February, ahead of the 50th Anniversary celebrations of the signing of the Treaty of Rome on March 25th.
No formal signature is necessary; simply use the
Sign the Brussels Declaration links on this web site and complete the simple form provided.

Click here to sign the Brussels Declaration

Die Brüsseler Erklärung
Wir, die Menschen Europas, bekräftigen hiermit unsere gemeinsamen Werte. Sie beruhen nicht auf einer einzigen Kultur oder Tradition, sondern gründen sich in allen Kulturen, die das moderne Europa ausmachen.

  • Wir bekräftigen den Wert, die Würde und die Autonomie jedes Individuums und das Recht eines jeden auf die größtmögliche Freiheit, die sich mit den Rechten anderer vereinbart. Wir unterstützen Demokratie und Menschenrechte sowie die Rechtsstaatlichkeit und streben die bestmögliche Entwicklung eines jeden Menschen an.
  • Wir erkennen unsere Fürsorgepflicht für die ganze Menschheit einschließlich künftiger Generationen und unsere Abhängigkeit von und Verantwortung für die natürliche Welt an.
  • Wir bekräftigen die Gleichheit von Männern und Frauen. Alle Personen, unabhängig von Rasse, Herkunft, Religion oder Glaube, Sprache, Geschlecht, sexueller Orientierung oder Können, müssen vor dem Gesetz gleich behandelt werden.
  • Wir bekräftigen das Recht eines jeden, eine Religion oder einen Glauben eigener Wahl anzunehmen und zu befolgen. Aber der Glaube irgendeiner Gruppe darf nicht zur Einschränkung von Rechten anderer führen.
  • Wir halten daran fest, dass der Staat neutral bleiben muss in Angelegenheiten von Religion und Glaube, und niemanden bevorzugen oder benachteiligen darf.
  • Wir halten daran fest, dass persönliche Freiheit mit gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung verbunden sein muss. Wir streben danach, eine gerechte Gesellschaft zu bilden, die auf Vernunft und Mitgefühl aufbaut, in der jeder Bürger in die Lage versetzt wird, sich voll einzubringen.
  • Wir halten fest an Toleranz und Meinungsfreiheit.
  • Wir bekräftigen das Recht eines jeden auf eine offene und umfassende Bildung.
  • Wir lehnen Einschüchterung, Gewalt und Anstiftung zu Gewalt zur Förderung von Streitigkeiten ab und halten daran fest, dass Konflikte durch Verhandlungen und legale Methoden gelöst werden müssen.
  • Wir halten fest an der Freiheit der Forschung in jeder Sphäre menschlichen Lebens und an der Anwendung der Wissenschaften im Dienst menschlichen Wohlergehens. Wir streben danach, Wissenschaft kreativ, nicht destruktiv zu nutzen.
  • Wir halten fest an der Freiheit der Kunst, achten künstlerische Kreativität und Imagination und anerkennen die verändernde Kraft der Kunst. Wir bekräftigen die Bedeutung von Literatur, Musik, und der visuellen und gestaltenden Künste für die persönliche Entwicklung und Erfüllung.

So verabschiedet am 25. März 2007, als dem 50. Jubiläum des Rom-Vertrages und der Gründung der Europäischen Union.

Unterzeichnen Sie die Erklärung hier!

Déclaration de Bruxelles
Nous, le peuple de l’Europe, affirmons par la présente déclaration nos valeurs communes. Elles ne sont pas basées sur une seule culture ou tradition, mais sont fondées sur toutes les cultures qui composent l’Europe moderne.

  • Nous affirmons la valeur, la dignité et l’autonomie de chaque individu, et le droit de tous à une liberté aussi grande que possible, tout en étant compatible avec les droits des autres. Nous soutenons la démocratie, les droits de l’homme et l’Etat de droit, et visons le développement le plus complet possible de chaque être humain.
  • Nous reconnaissons notre devoir de nous préoccuper de l’avenir de l’humanité, y compris des générations futures, et notre responsabilité envers la nature dont nous dépendons.
  • Nous affirmons l’égalité des hommes et des femmes. Toute personne, indépendamment de ses aptitudes, son genre, son orientation sexuelle, son origine ethnique, sa religion ou ses convictions, doit avoir un traitement égal devant la loi.
  • Nous affirmons le droit pour chacun d’adopter et de suivre une religion ou des convictions de son choix. Ces convictions ne doivent toutefois pas être utilisées pour entraver les droits d’autrui.
  • Nous affirmons que l’Etat doit rester neutre en matière de religion et de croyances, en ne favorisant ou discriminant aucune d’entre elles.
  • Nous soutenons que la liberté individuelle ne doit pas être dissociée de la responsabilité sociale. Nous cherchons à créer une société équitable, basée sur la raison et l’altruisme, dans laquelle chaque citoyen a son rôle à jouer.
  • Nous soutenons la tolérance et la liberté d’expression.
  • Nous affirmons le droit de chacun à une éducation ouverte à tous sujets, à toutes orientations.
  • Nous rejetons l’intimidation, l’incitation et le recours à la violence lors de conflits et considérons que ces derniers doivent être résolus par la négociation et de manière légale.
  • Nous soutenons le libre examen dans tous les domaines de la vie humaine et l’application de la science au service du bien-être humain. Nous cherchons à utiliser la science de manière créatrice et non destructrice.
  • Nous soutenons la liberté artistique, valorisons la créativité et l’imagination et reconnaissons le pouvoir de l’art comme agent de transformation de la société. Nous affirmons l’importance de la littérature, de la musique, des arts visuels et de représentation à des fins de développement et d’accomplissement de l’individu.

Fait le 25 mars 2007, jour du 50ème anniversaire du Traité de Rome et de la fondation de l’Union Européenne.

Signer la Déclaration !

Courtly Platelets and Lady-in-Waiting Concerns

Because the Countess showed a low platelet count of 11 from Tuesday's test, though her Hg was up to 9.6, and the Lady-in-Waiting is coping with "flying blind" in this situation, the Page, still in absentia from Court, has found the following information (source links provided after each bit) to help her and the Countess.

The general conclusion from the various sources is that, barring evidence of unprovoked bleeding, platelet transfusions are indicated only when the counts fall below 5; they may be given for counts under 10 if general condition gives the treating physician cause for concern.
In other words, unless the counts today, when the Countess visits her physician in the company of the Lady-in-Waiting, have fallen at least below 10, there is NO reason to be alarmed and NO transfusion of platelets will likely be deemed necessary.
Here follow some quotes from various sources, as indicated, on the platelet levels used as indicators for transfusions:
While there is some debate regarding the appropriate use of platelet transfusion, the following is meant to serve as general guidelines, after evaluating the patient and the clinical circumstances.
Platelets may be transfused ‘prophylactically’ (eg, in the absence of active bleeding) in the following circumstances:
Platelet count under 5
Platelet count under 20 in the setting of conditions associated with a high risk of bleeding (eg, history of bleeding duodenal ulcer, etc.) or in children undergoing a lumbar puncture
Guidelines for the use of platelet transfusions. British Journal of Hematology, 2003, 122, 10-23 and at

1. Platelet count under 10,000/µl due to bone marrow infiltration or suppression, for prophylaxis or bleeding.
Patients with platelet counts above 5,000/µL who are not bleeding and who are otherwise stable may not require transfusion. Between 10,000/µL and 20,000/µL, clinical judgement must be exercised with consideration to the risk of serious bleeding and to the presence of infection, coagulopathy, splenomegaly or other clinical circumstances which increase that risk by compromising platelet function or survival.

Platelet Count Threshold for Prophylactic Platelet Transfusion: Acute Leukemia Guideline: The Panel recommends a threshold of 10,000/µL for prophylactic platelet transfusion in adult patients receiving therapy for acute leukemia, on the basis of the results of multiple randomized trials that demonstrate that this approach is equivalent to the use of a 20,000/µL threshold. Transfusion at higher levels may be necessary in newborns or in patients with signs of hemorrhage, high fever, hyperleukocytosis, rapid fall of platelet count, or coagulation abnormalities (for example, acute promyelocytic leukemia) and in those undergoing invasive procedures or in circumstances in which platelet transfusions may not be readily available in case of emergencies. The studies that form the basis of this recommendation (as well as the other recommendations in this section) have included adolescents but not younger children or infants. Nevertheless, it is probably reasonable to use similar guidelines for children and older infants. Although modern automated cell counters are quite accurate at low platelet counts, there can be modest variations in count because of limitations of the counting technology. The decision to transfuse at a precise trigger level should therefore consider the clinical context and the pattern of recent platelet counts.

Platelet transfusions should not be given simply in response to a given blood platelet count. The underlying mechanism causing thrombocytopenia and the clinical risks of thrombocytopenia must be considered.
No Further Justification for PLATELET Transfusions is Required if One or More of the Following can be found in the medical record: [...]
2. Blood platelet count under 10,000/µl and no evidence of significant bleeding PLUS bone marrow failure by a diagnosis of progenitor cell transplant, or cancer such as leukemia, lymphoma, carcinoma, sarcoma, or precancerous state or evidence of severe bone marrow hypoplasia as by the diagnosis of aplastic/hypoplastic anemia or myelodysplastic syndrome. Transfusion at a blood platelet count of 10,000 to 20,000/ul in this "prophylactic" setting is justified only by factors that increase the risk of bleeding (e.g. active infection, liver disease with abnormal clotting study results, renal failure).

ACUTE LEUKEMIAS: Most experience during the last 10 years was gathered in patients with acute leukemias (acute promyelocytic leukemia without remission excluded). More than 1,000 patients within five published studies were safely transfused using a platelet transfusion trigger of 10,000/µl or even lower. Three of these studies prospectively compared the 10,000/µl with the traditional 20,000/µl trigger for prophylactic platelet transfusion without showing an increased risk for bleeding. The stringent trigger was used when patients did not show signs of major bleeding, fever above 38°C, plasma coagulation factor deficiencies due to sepsis or leukemia, and were without hyperleukocytosis above 50,000/µl at the start of chemotherapy. Major bleeding was defined as soft tissue bleedings requiring blood transfusion, melena, hematemesis, macrohematuria, hemoptysis, vaginal bleeding, epistaxis for more than 1 hour with gross blood loss, or retinal hemorrhages with impairment of vision. In such situations platelet transfusions should be given to maintain the platelet count above 15,000/µl or 20,000/µl. The same trigger was used when biopsies (bone marrow biopsies excluded) were to be performed.
During the last few years there still has been some concern regarding the safety of such a stringent trigger for prophylactic platelet transfusion because the number of patients in those three prospective studies was still relatively small (230 patients with the 10,000/µl trigger). We therefore prospectively examined this transfusion strategy within the German Cooperative AML-Study Group during the last 4 years in 734 patients. Our recent analysis confirms the safety and cost effectiveness of this strategy. Clinically relevant bleeding did not occur more often than as expected with the traditional trigger. No single fatal bleeding complication was due mainly to the restrictive platelet transfusion policy. About 50% of fatal bleeding events happened in patients refractory to platelet transfusion, not recovering from thrombocytopenia and in parallel with uncontrolled leukemia or severe infectious complications. Most bleeding episodes occurred during induction chemotherapy when leukemia was not yet in remission. There was absolutely no increased bleeding risk for patients above the age of 60 years.
That concludes the Page's medical research for the morning. In the hopes of having brought some relief to the Court of Chicora, to its Countess, and her Lady-in-Waiting with this rather dry but substantial chunk of information, the Page wishes all at Court a pleasant morning and a cheerful doctor's visit. Other modern means of communication will provide us contact again later in the day. Here a picture from a morning like this one in Berlin at Schloß Charlottenburg - the type of day the Countess should enjoy, watching the birds eating from a birdfeeder in spring.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Calling people names

It's not possible for me to come up with anything bad enough to call Ann Coulter, because only intelligent beings might be annoyed by debasement. Ms. Coulter has neither intelligence nor humanity, and debasement could not apply to anyone already so low. It is, however, alarming that someone so devoid of the ability to think, so immune to social conscience, so devoid of humanity could have any popularity in the civilized world: another debasement of the United States is what she represents, as does, for that matter, everything broadcast by that antinews-propaganda machine called "fox".
I will not embed the video, but provide a link here to watch it, for that face is not one I wish to see in my blog: such smug arrogant wickedness, such self-convinced stupidity is only suitable to the bushbaby playpen - yet another reason it must soon vanish!

Monday, March 5, 2007

Page Planning New Court Visit

Assuming all goes well with the Countess in the coming days, given that her counts must be assessed again today to determine the need for further transfusions after she was down to Hmg of 5.8 before the ones last week, and in consideration of the fact that the family of the Lady-in-Waiting is planning to arrive shortly before Easter, the Page is beginning initial preparations and itinerary checks for a trip to Court with his Partner Page for the first week of April. Projected is an arrival on the 2nd and departure on the 9th, the extent of time free of Prussian obligations in Europe.

Today or tomorrow there should be word on how the Countess is holding the line against AML. Lab reports will come late today her time, will reach the Page only tomorrow his time.

By the end of the week, the Page plans to make all necessary reservations.

Meanwhile, the Countess is enjoying visits from other family members and friends, bestowing warmth and cheer on them all, even when this may at times prove hard for them to take.

She particularly enjoys speaking with the Page's parrot during their daily telephone calls - perhaps the only transatlantic parrot-Countess conversation on record.

Otherwise, the Lady-in-Waiting is said to miss the Page's talent for dish-washing and carpet-vacuuming, resorting to letting Countess sisters take over these tasks when they call on Court.

This must remain without comment.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Apostates to the Fore !

Highest praise for the newly formed "Ex-Muslims Organization" in Germany ! Calling for TRUE freedom of religion, including the freedom to renounce their belief, these former Muslims appeal to us all for support of the Enlightenment to include enlightened, liberating thinking in Muslim countries and cultures, to free countless people from the iniury of witnessing liberal to fanatic religious speakers of Islam claim the right to speak for them.
Their campaign is entitled, "We have renounced!" One could also say they are openly asserting their apostasy. Let us all ensure the spread of their word and their protection from all those Islamic countries and organizations who would punish them with DEATH for their renunciation of that faith. Follow the link, although the material is in German; however, there are, under "LINKS" other organizations in English-speaking areas with the same purposes.

Courtly Transfusion

With hemoglobin having dipped to 7.7 yesterday, after being at 8.6 last Monday a week ago, women after middle age having normal values of 11.7-13.8 gm/dl, The Countess has left Court for the day, in the company of The Lady-in-Waiting, to be transfused with 2 pints of red blood as arranged by the Court-appointed hem/onc physician and hospice-nurse. As the Page, across the Atlantic in Europe, was informed during a phone call with the Lady-in-Waiting, as The Countess was just beginning this approximately six-hour process, the need had evidenced itself already in increasing fatigue and breathlessness, and The Countess was antsy to get started, rushing her Lady-in-Waiting from the moment the nurse had telephoned the arrangements. Fifteen minutes had seemed a long time to get out the door, and The Countess had to admit, when the Lady-in-Waiting asked if she feared they would give away her reserved units or otherwise run out of blood before they got there, that this was surely not the case. We suspect she is anxious to get this out-of-Court procedure behind her, ease her breathing, restock her energy, and resume her throne on Chicora Court as quickly as possible.

Best wishes for her becoming more cantankerous again!
(Forgive me, L-i-W!)