Reform Iran
Promote all efforts for democratic reform and human rights in Iran !
Iran : le parti réformateur désapprouve la politique internationale d'Ahmadinejad
LEMONDE.FR 26.10.07
LEMONDE.FR 26.10.07
The New York Times
Published: October 26, 2007
Filed at 3:22 p.m. ET
"U.S. military action would also likely silence the domestic opposition to Ahmadinejad as people rally around the government. The head of the largest pro-reform party, Mohsen Mirdamadi, has warned a U.S. attack would set back chances for reform and democracy in Iran by decades."
"British military action would also likely silence the domestic opposition to Hitler as people rally around the government. The head of the largest pro-reform party has warned an Allied attack would set back chances for reform and democracy in Germany by decades."
ReplyDeleteNo where have we heard all that before? Oh right. In Germany.
That you think Iran is a democracy says everything about your naivete. You learned absolutely nothing from your shameful historical tryst with the Nazis and totalitarian anti-Semitism. Continue to bury your head in the sand, Neville.