A Week's Delay Is a Week Well Won
... At least that's what I tried to convince Edith of when she called, not to give us her phone number in her hospital room as we expected, but to say they'd sent her back home to wait another week due to her counts, still to low to begin her fifth round. She sounded as disappointed as a little kid who's just been told how many more days he has to wait till Christmas, not that she exactly relishes the chemo, but, as she described the new starting date, "I'd've had my fifth round behind me by then." At least she doesn't have to go in every other day for new lab work in the meantime; she can simply wait and show up next week. "And then it takes a week. That means the last one can't be over before mid-June." Because, she's counting down the days to be done with this ordeal. But she could laugh. And getting her to think about kids she's seen on chemo helped her muster up her own courage again, because she unabashedly admires those little tykes.
And she said we can probably have our Brühnudel then on the weekend, something she's been wanting to make us again for a long time. (Run some searches on that one, and you'll find things like: "Brühnudel = Hühnernudelsuppe, natürlich selbstgemacht, und seeehr lecker".)

Additionally, I must give credit to Darth Rachel for putting me onto the link for these wonderful videos/short films by Isabella Rosellini (which by the way have NOTHING to do with Brühnudeln). Shown at the Berlin Film Festival in the spring, they had already gotten my attention, but I had no link to an online chance to see them, until now, and here it is.
GREEN PORNO, by Isabella Rosellini
And one still photo from her studio.
UPDATE NOTE: Tastelessly tacky and not at all green but terribly pornographic is the message the Sundance Channel (where the films are online) is giving to people clicking to see the shorts from European IP addresses as of May 15: "Not available in your territory ... will be released outside the U.S. in July ... check back periodically." Supposedly you can still watch the behind-the-scenes clips, but get the exact same message when you try. What utter disgusting parochialism! The films were first shown RIGHT HERE WHERE I'M TYPING THIS! I suppose you can still call them up within my american birth-place playpen. A big loud BOO for sundance, which has also blocked all the youtube versions! That's anti-establishment for you! Internatioal is the web, except for chinese and playpen organizations or what? FREEDOM for GREEN PORNO ! NOW !
yes, i love them. and actually if we're giving credit where credit is due, I heard of them on The Colbert Report. So I guess he likes them too :)