Saturday, June 7, 2008

Γермано Российский Фестиваль

Deutsch Russische Festtage in Berlin Karlshorst from June 6-8...
First, on the evening of the first day of the three-day German Russian Festival, we ate pelmeni and bliny and drank kwas, and took no pictures of that. Then it was on to the really rather sensational program of this second annual festival, which the organizers hope to establish permanently, a good idea considering the long on-going German American and German French festivals every year here. And of these acts, we snapped a few photos, slide show below.
First, Iweria, a youth dance group from the Olympic city Sotchi, with traditional Russian dances.
Then Ludmila Nikolaeva and Russkaya Dusha (Russian Soul) from Moscow with traditional to pop Russian music accompanied by another dance group. She was really good, as the youtube insert gives a hint of, despite the video having poor sound, as made with our digicam. (And here, therefore, a link to a Russian TV broadcast of one of her songs when she won their folk music award in 2005.)

Finally, Die Prinzen, one of Germany's most successful pop groups with a full act of their irreverent harmonic songs. Their encore led into the spectacular firework show to close out the evening. And here a link to some of Die Prinzen songs from youtube: "Deutschland"; "Millionär"; and "Schwein Sein"!
And we had front row seats in the grandstands at the former racetrack in Karlshorst where the whole thing took place. You can experience most of the world right here in Berlin.

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