Repeated Recommendation
Finally, yesterday evening, we saw the haunting film by Lars von Trier, which I had already once placed on a must see list in an earlier posting here. Images of nightmarish beauty, indelible visions flow through the entire work. It is a horror film of high art, so artistic that you may not be able to bear it, far more upsetting than any hollywoodesque feature spook flick. And the entire film is in effect generated out of Händel's aria in the opera Rinaldo, "Lascia ch'io pianga", which provides the background music to the opening scene and underscores the entire movie. Antichrist is an exploration of witchcraft, motherhoold, analysis, reason, nature - and leaves no fear unfeared. It is a film you'll NEVER forget, if you are bold enough not to run out of the cinema somewhere along the way, as app. half of the audience did last night. We stayed and recommend this work of art. If you can read, you can watch it; if you can hear music, you will stay to the end.
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