For the arrogant attitude of the Fully Dum Party polemicists only concerned with sitting in a "cool" office (geil!) and wallowing in unearned wealth and luxury (Strandbar, Presseball), for the Republicans who would rather see people suffer and/or go bankrupt than have a chance to be cured from serious illness (insurance company tea party!), for all those who obnoxiously envy those who have less than they do for having anything at all that they themselves are ineligible for (shit, too rich for welfare!), I may well have stumbled onto the principle on which they operate.
It is included in D.A.F. de Sade's Les infortunes de la vertu [Paris: Gallimard 1970/folio 1977, p.95]. When asked if his refusal to assist the unfortunate in any way - either personally or with state aid - ultimately means they should simply perish, M.Dubourg blithely replies:
«Qu'importe? il y a plus de sujets qu'il n'en faut en France; le gouvernement qui voit tout en grand s'embarrasse fort peu des individus, pourvu que la machine se conserve.»
So apparently, substituting the country name Germany, believes Mr. Westernwave, who quite clearly sees the big picture and is only concerned with operation of the machine sufficient to ensure himself and his dum party friends well-paid governmental positions for which they have neither aptitude nor interest. Why should he be concerned with individual plights outside his party membership rosters?
Republicans against health insurance for all in the US substitute another country's name as they consider the big picture of donation from insurance lobbyists, bonus payments, and stock dividends as opposed to those poor individual subjects suffering catastrophic illness. There are too many of them anyway, and their demise would relieve the economy.
Another diatribe by one of Sade's heroes of vice, Dalville, provides the script Westernwave uses in claiming that recipients of Hartz IV are forbodings of socialism and are in fact simply lazy do-nothings who want money without working, when he explains why any assistance to them is anathema:
«C'est travailler à une égalité dangereuse pour la société, c'est encourager l'indolence et la fainéantise, c'est apprendre au pauvre à voler l'homme riche, quand il plaira à celui-ci de lui refuser son secours, et cela par l'habitude où ce secours aura mis le pauvre de l'obtenir sans travail.» [ibid., p.218]
"It would mean striving for equality which would be fatal to society and encouraging idleness and sloth. It would teach the poor to pick the pocket of any rich man who chose not to give them charity, a lesson the more easily learnt from the habit they would acquire of expecting to have money without working for it." [translation from Wordsworth Classic Erotica edtion]
Perhaps it is not even ironic to find the core philosophy of these beasts in an utterance of one of the "villains" of a more than 200-year-old work by the Marquis de Sade. It could simply be that these so-called politicians are sadists in a sense far worse than the old marquis could have ever imagined.