For The Enlightenment, against the powers of darkness and unreason, information as a tool against all forms of fanaticism, to promote human and civil rights everywhere, freedom in all forms, and justice for all !
Childlike, childish, the writer experiences fright, wonder, enthusiasm, must share that, whatever the threat of punishment he may face for daring to express such extreme emotion! And transgression may seem evil, dangerous, is forbidden, is necessary for art.
While Detlef's in the hospital, and probably next week when I am, neither of us gets very much sleep, I, too, think how our love wins, prevails, and know that dawn will bring us there again, and dawn comes VERY early at this time of year. Listen to the wonderful Placido Domingo render these thoughts, enjoy beauty, think of love, think, and love!
Nessun dorma! Nessun dorma! Tu pure, o, Principessa, nella tua fredda stanza, guardi le stelle che fremono d'amore e di speranza.
Ma il mio mistero e chiuso in me, il nome mio nessun sapra! No, no, sulla tua bocca lo diro quando la luce splendera!
Ed il mio bacio sciogliera il silenzio che ti fa mia!
(Il nome suo nessun sapra!... e noi dovrem, ahime, morir!)
Now that's good news, fits with the WM loss today somehow, which also doesn't allow the Chief Button Popper and Westernwave to hope for a distracted population. Now lets move on to kicking out all their plans if not all their ministers and try to move this country forward again, with concern for the less well off and a demand for responsibility from the well-to-do and the financial institutions so cynically grinning through the crisis!
I'd've never thought anyone could give me a good reason to praise the mania surrounding the World Soccer Cup, but The Nation has done so. So now I'm a fan from the farthest sidelines who'll watch as few games as possible but praise it to every conservative I encounter anywhere!
“It doesn’t matter how you try to sell it to us,” yipped the Prom King of new right, Glenn Beck. “It doesn’t matter how many celebrities you get, it doesn’t matter how many bars open early, it doesn’t matter how many beer commercials they run, we don’t want the World Cup, we don’t like the World Cup, we don’t like soccer, we want nothing to do with it.”
It's ok if you read it in translation: the message will be clear nonetheless, though the utter horror awaiting you is lyrically better expressed in the original. Probably, though, as greedy as you are, you will turn to some summary of contents: there, too, the message should get you.
Deutschland braucht aber nicht nur eine Führung, die sich nicht ständig selbst zerfleischt. Es braucht politische Anstöße. In Afghanistan sterben deutsche Soldaten in einem Krieg, den niemand hinreichend erklären kann. Das Vertrauen der Bürger in Markt und Staat zerbröselt. Das Wohlstandsversprechen, welches das Land zusammenhielt: Es könnte bald nicht mehr gelten. Was verbindet uns stattdessen? Diese Fragen müssen bald beantwortet werden. Zuvor allerdings muss sie jemand stellen. Kann Wulff das? Ein Präsident wächst mit seinem Amt. Nicht ausgeschlossen, dass er doch die richtigen Themen und den richtigen Ton findet. Aber wenn, ist es Zufall. Zu den großen gesellschaftlichen Fragen hatte Wulff bisher so wenig zu sagen wie die Berliner Koalition selbst.
It began when I grabbed a pen and a notebook... You thought there was nothing more than these few blog entries? Yes, the notebook exists... Don't think you can wrest it from me now! I've been writing it for so long... You've even helped. Yes, you're in the notebook, too, on nearly every page. And there are so many of them... But I didn't lie: There's always only been one big notebook. The one that's lying on my desk in one form or another. Has it never occurred to you that the notebook might be blue, green, and any other color, simultaneously, and continue forever? It will be there endlessly.