Monday, May 2, 2011

Fifteenth Anniversary

Fifteen years ago today, Detlef and I began our ongoing love story, never once faltering, even now stronger in the face of a battle for my health, and determined and convinced that our unwavering love-life will continue for at least twice as long as it already has!
And he has a poem from me for the occasion:

An Detlef

Zu dir bin ich endlos hingezogen
– O maßloses Glück von dir –
und strahle in dem Liebesbogen,
lächle, flamme auf zu dir.

Ein Wunder täglich frisch gemacht
just hier im schlichten Leben haben wir,
und Augen haben sonst nie soviel gelacht
wie einander zugewandt die unsren vier.

Meine Hand in deine habe ich fest gelegt,
mein Herz geschenkt dir voll von mir.
Deine Hand zu Lebensbrunst mich erregt,
da Liebe ist die Heimat dir und mir.

O Liebster! Wir haben kaum begonnen!
In uns glüh’n noch abermillionen Sonnen.

--Rick, 2. Mai 2011
Zu unserem 15ten Jahrestag


    To Detlef

    To you I am endlessly drawn
    - O measureless happiness from you -
    and glow in the love-bow*,
    smile, flame up to you.

    A wonder daily made afresh
    precisely here in plain life we have,
    and eyes have otherwise never laughed as much
    as our four turned to each other.

    My hand I have laid fixedly in yours,
    given you my heart full of me.
    Your hand arouses life-passion in me,
    for love is for you and me homeland.

    O Beloved! We have hardly even begun!
    In us burn still millions more suns!

    --RG, 2 May 2011, For our 15th anniversary

    *Note: Liebesbogen [love-bow] is a felicitours play on Regenbogen [rainbow].
    This entire translation, poor in comparison to the original, is also by RG at the request of the English-speaking family, especially my sister.

  2. Ah! A beautiful anniversary gift! And I'll add my wish for the two of you to celebrate many more!
