Bushbaby surging in the playpen
Let us hope that somehow reason may prevail in Washington despite playpen antics and that the people of Iraq may achieve some calm and find a way towards peace.
May we also hope that the advisors in Washington do not continue to turn the world into an ever more dangerous place, that they begin to make efforts to curtail the emergence of ever more terrorists hostile to democracy, freedom, and human rights, hostile to civilization and the Enlightenment as we cherish it.
The New York Times
The Real Disaster
Published: January 11, 2007
Wednesday night was President Bush’s chance to stop offering more fog and be honest with the nation about Iraq, and he did not take it.
Le Figaro (avec AFP).
Publié le 11 janvier 2007 / Actualisé le 11 janvier 2007 : 12h58
Les alliés des Etats-Unis saluent la nouvelle stratégie en Irak annoncée par George W. Bush, mais refusent d’envoyer des renforts. Les principaux partis irakiens réagissent, quant à eux, avec un enthousiasme mesuré.
Los Angeles Times
The last way forward
Bush's speech, like his strategy, was unsatisfying. But there are no good options left for the U.S. in Iraq.
January 11, 2007
PRESIDENT BUSH'S latest plan for Iraq has the feel of an overdue high school book report. It looks nice, reads well and is persuasive in parts. If only he had handed it in on time.
May we also hope that the advisors in Washington do not continue to turn the world into an ever more dangerous place, that they begin to make efforts to curtail the emergence of ever more terrorists hostile to democracy, freedom, and human rights, hostile to civilization and the Enlightenment as we cherish it.
The New York Times
The Real Disaster
Published: January 11, 2007
Wednesday night was President Bush’s chance to stop offering more fog and be honest with the nation about Iraq, and he did not take it.
Le Figaro (avec AFP).
Publié le 11 janvier 2007 / Actualisé le 11 janvier 2007 : 12h58
Les alliés des Etats-Unis saluent la nouvelle stratégie en Irak annoncée par George W. Bush, mais refusent d’envoyer des renforts. Les principaux partis irakiens réagissent, quant à eux, avec un enthousiasme mesuré.
Los Angeles Times
The last way forward
Bush's speech, like his strategy, was unsatisfying. But there are no good options left for the U.S. in Iraq.
January 11, 2007
PRESIDENT BUSH'S latest plan for Iraq has the feel of an overdue high school book report. It looks nice, reads well and is persuasive in parts. If only he had handed it in on time.
The Nation
BLOG Posted 01/10/2007 @ 9:44pm
Surge Into A Quagmire
In a sober address to the nation Wednesday night, President Bush confirmed his determination to surge the United States military deeper into the Iraq quagmire by sending roughly 21,500 more troops to that troubled land.
The president went even further than his critics feared he might, outlining a dangerous program of integrating U.S. and Iraqi military units – with U.S. trainers and strategists embedded in Iraqi units and U.S. brigades partnered with Iraqi brigades. And he signaled that he will implement his new approach before Congress has a chance to consider it.
The Washington Post
Mr. Bush's Strategy
The president raises the number of troops -- and the level of risk -- in Iraq.
Thursday, January 11, 2007; Page A24
PRESIDENT BUSH is right to recognize that U.S strategy in Iraq is not working and to seek a different policy. He is right to insist that the United States cannot afford to abandon the mission and to reject calls for an early withdrawal. But the new plan for the war Mr. Bush outlined last night is very risky.
Poll: Most Americans Opposed to Bush's Iraq Plan
Majority of Those Surveyed Are Skeptical That Surge Would Make Victory More Likely
By Jon Cohen
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, January 11, 2007; 7:00 AM
Most Americans oppose President Bush's call to send additional U.S. military forces to Iraq and just over a third say the new plan makes victory there more likely, an initial public rebuke of the strategy he unveiled last night in a nationally televised address.
A new Washington Post-ABC News poll conducted following the President's speech finds broad and strong opposition to his call to send about 21,500 more troops to Iraq: 61 percent oppose the force increase, with 52 percent "strongly" opposing the build-up. Thirty-six percent support the additional troops; only one-quarter of the public is strongly supportive.
Süddeutsche Zeitung
11.01.2007 11:12 Uhr
Bushs Irak-Strategie
Gegen die Wand
Die Pläne des US-Präsidenten lesen sich wie ein Gegenentwurf zum Bericht der Baker-Kommission - und sind ein weiterer Ausdruck seiner Hilflosigkeit.
Ein Kommentar von Peter Lindner
Die Welt
Bushs Pläne stoßen weltweit auf Skepsis
Die neue Irak-Strategie des US-Präsidenten ist weltweit überwiegend mit Skepsis aufgenommen worden. Lob für Bush gibt es von Großbritannien und Australien, zwei der engsten Verbündeten der USA. US-Verteidigungsminister Robert Gates will nun 92.000 zusätzliche Soldaten für Heer und Marineinfanterie.
Bushs Pläne stoßen weltweit auf Skepsis
Die neue Irak-Strategie des US-Präsidenten ist weltweit überwiegend mit Skepsis aufgenommen worden. Lob für Bush gibt es von Großbritannien und Australien, zwei der engsten Verbündeten der USA. US-Verteidigungsminister Robert Gates will nun 92.000 zusätzliche Soldaten für Heer und Marineinfanterie.
Die Zeit
Zum Scheitern verurteilt
Der Iraker Ghassan Attiyah glaubt nicht, dass die neue Strategie von George Bush aufgehen wird. Stattdessen fürchtet er einen Krieg zwischen Schiiten und Sunniten im ganzen Mittleren Osten.
Der Iraker Ghassan Attiyah glaubt nicht, dass die neue Strategie von George Bush aufgehen wird. Stattdessen fürchtet er einen Krieg zwischen Schiiten und Sunniten im ganzen Mittleren Osten.
Associated Press TERENCE HUNT Posted January 10, 2007 09:13 PM
White House Site official Real Video of the speech and link to the full text of the
"President's Address to the Nation
The Library
President's Remarks
9:01 P.M. EST January 10, 2007"
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