Don't forget freedom of speech...
On Robert Redeker, see link below, Le Monde correctly supports his maintenance of freedom of expression, even in the face of accusations of "blasphemy" from whatever religion.
Since, however, the author of this piece (on IL FAUT TENTER DE VIVRE by Robert Redeker [Seuil, 136 p., 12 €], his journal on living under Islamist-fundamentalist death threats since his article appeared in Le Figaro on September 19, 2006) Gérard Courtois bemoans the fact that Redeker did not include the text of that original article in this review of the situation, and since it is now no longer available at Le Figaro without a fee (archives), here is the permanent link to it's republication on the Prochoix News blog, with the author's permission, on the following day:
Face aux intimidations islamistes, que doit faire le monde libre ? (Robert Redeker)
Les réactions suscitées par l'analyse de Benoît XVI sur l'islam et la violence s'inscrivent dans la tentative menée par cet islam d'étouffer ce que l'Occident a de plus précieux qui n'existe dans aucun pays musulman : la liberté de penser et de s'exprimer.
[Par Robert Redeker (Philosophe. Professeur au lycée Pierre-Paul-Riquet à Saint-Orens de Gammeville. Va publier Dépression et philosophie (éditions Pleins Feux). Source : Le Figaro, 19 septembre 2006. Interdit en Tunisie]LINK TO COMPLETE ARTICLE BY REDEKER
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