Degenerate Art is the best !
Here's to degenerate art!
And here's a call for caricatures of the reactionary catholic fundamentalist german cardinal Meisner for condemning any art not conforming to his notion of godly culture AND the new stained glass window done by the esteemed artist Richter, saying it was more suitable for a mosque or a synagoge because it was abstract rather than figurative. The fact that he used the same term for condemning art he doesn't like - degenerate art - entartete Kunst - that the Nazis used when they were burning books and deporting and gasing artists, only adds more evidence for this so-called man of god being a dangerous fundamentalist. Why is no one shadowing him and monitoring his email and tapping his phone?
Meisners Bild vom Menschen
Unter Kardinal Meisners verblasenem Satz von der "entarteten Kunst" kann sich jeder etwas anderes vorstellen, eindeutig sind bloß die Assoziationen, die das Vokabular erweckt - es verweist auf den nationalsozialistischen und klerikalfaschistischen Feldzug gegen die Moderne zwischen 1933 und den fünfziger ahren.
Ein Kommentar von Gustav Seibt
Süddeutsche Zeitung 15.09.2007
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