Monday, September 10, 2007

Literary Privilege

For the internationales literaturfestival berlin yesterday evening, I had the great privilege of interpreting for (among others) Anne Waldman as she explained and spoke about her choices for this year's Berliner Anthologie published for and with the literature festival. Her own piece, without, which you can listen to under this link, first title, was a refreshing reminder of the need for incantatory exorcising poetry to drive back the spirits of war. Also, she chose and read Allen Ginsberg's great Pentagon exorcism poem from the days of the movement against the Vietnam War.
Terri & Jeff, visiting, did NOT come along, Jeff being on another wavelength, but Terri, who actually was planned and should have come and would have liked it, was, at time to head over there, suddenly afflicted by fatiguing jet lag and decided to remain home with Detlef & her husband to play Kulturbanausen and go for a Döner for supper (trotz Fleischskandalen).
The next event of the festival will not be avoidable for her.
Check out Anne Waldman and learn to bang the poetic drums of resistance.


  1. don't those old farts woose out on you, just MAKE them get up and do stuff -- it's your house!

  2. without looking up your German words, i know that the game they played had something to do with culture, and that Doner involves meat, but I don't know what kind

    look how much I managed to learn in just two visits

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Kulturbanause = cultural philistine
    Döner is that Turkish snack bar treat, meat shave off the giant rotating skewer & put in pita bread with salad... remember ?
