Monday, November 26, 2007

Too little time for billboards...

A disease (another one) is rampant in our age and in our cities: billboards, or actually gigantic posters several stories high covering the entire sides of buildings to advertise for something that I, for one, will never buy, even if I had before intended to. In Berlin it has gone so far that some buildings as yet unbuilt, on Leipziger Platz for example, are "indicated" by a scaffolding in the shape they may one day have with a canvas covering to show how the facade may look but which is to about 90% itself covered with a billboard advertisement, the real purpose of the whole thing. Fake buildings - you could say a Hollywood set or Potemkin village - placed there only to bear enormous ads. On the north side of Leipziger Platz there are more fake than real buildings. The Catholic cathedral on Bebel Platz has covered its facade in a building-sized billboard for some other form of escape, I believe it's an internet provider, before it was a car, maybe the church thinks it can reach more people that way. The bed tower of the Charité hospital is completely wrapped in an ad poster. Many of the buildings Unter den Linden are shrouded in consumer hypes. It has become impossible to look at the city as more and more buildings are hidden by ads.
Meanwhile, there is so little time in so many lives, no one knowing when, but surely that, their life will end. There is so much beauty to see if we allow ourselves and each other to look. There is no time for advertisements at all, much less for billboards.
And many people pay more attention to these unrealities than to the reality around them, which, I'll admit, has become more difficult to perceive, but let us try. Best would be for our many individual gazes to burn holes through all those posters of the unreal hiding the real from us. How about getting a campaign going against mammoth posters advertising junk, a campaign for looking at the real world around us?

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