Wake up call
From Philippe Sollers' Guerres secrètes, the following short quote in my English rendition, followed by his French original (Paris, CarnetsNord, 2007, p.298) and then my German version. A method well worth trying in our world of distractions from what we should be considering, since, as Sollers says, we need to be awake.
Saying yes to the "passing" of time, if that's possible, delivers you from resentment and the spirit of vengeance whose secret war against joy never pauses for even a second. [...] Awakenings to the constancy of transformation, or, if you prefer, to the renewal of the immutable.
Dire oui au « passer » du temps, si c'est possible, vous délivre du ressentiment et de l'esprit de vengeance, dont la guerre secrète contre la joie ne cesse pas un instant. [...] Reveils à la constance de transformation, ou, si vous préférez, renouvellement de l'immuable.
Dem "Vergehen" der Zeit ja sagen, wenn möglich, befreit Sie vom Groll und vom Geist der Rache, deren geheimer Krieg gegen die Freude keine Sekunde innehält. [...] Erwachen zur Beständigkeit der Veränderung oder, wenn es Ihnen lieber ist, zur Erneuerung des Unveränderlichen.
You could also say, Being is always a chance, IS a chance.
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