Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Surprised Is Not the Right Word
No, I'm not surprised about the deviousness, lies, manipulation, cynicism, obliviousness, and incompetence that Mr. McClellan, a former bushbaby playmate, has also, with the tardiness of a very bad pupil, finally detected in that playpen; I'm not even surprised that the playpen has ordered spin doctors out to US talkshows (which I'm grateful are not aired here); I'm not even shocked anymore that the bushbaby won't change his despicably dangerous and harmful policies. No, I didn't need another birthday for that, even if I've had one this week. The New York Times
All I needed was to garner and read as much information as I could and then just think. That's all that surprises me, no, surprise is still not the right word. That's all that sickens me: that some people are either unable or too stubornly unwilling to think!
The world is hoping for an end to the playpen, with no replacement rattler-shakers with a cane, of the mac or mc or any other variety. The entire world is in dire need of a United States which returns to the fold of the just and begins again to understand and support human rights and freedoms. It is essential that the Democrats drive the Republicans of the playpen and its environs as far out of DC as possible. And that is also no surprise.
McClellan Responds to White House Criticism
Published: May 30, 2008
Former White House press secretary Scott McClellan continued to press his case Thursday that the Bush administration manipulated intelligence to justify the war in Iraq, and responded to a growing chorus of criticism from other former administration officials.
Appearing on NBC’s Today show, Mr. McClellan said that the administration ignored evidence that contradicted its position on Iraq, and he sharply criticized some of Mr. Bush’s closest advisers.
Labels: BBW3, Freedom, freely speaking, justice, playpen, speaking and thinking
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Flowers By Bike
She's hoping her counts will allow an on-time start for her last session of chemo, scheduled to begin on Monday, June 9, although her first indication will be after blood work on Wednesday.
Laughing and cheerful she was, feeling fine, glad to be home, and very happy about the greeting from two people commenting on this blog, though we didn't delve into questions of Alter or Niedlichkeit, assuming it was better just to pass on, interpretatively, that my sister supports her mother-logic and my niece finds her stamina praiseworthy. (I believe they can both live with my exegetic delivery of their message, when they hear that Edith smiled and said thanks.)
Labels: Berlin mom
NO to Censorship - EVERYWHERE !
NO to censorship in China. No to censorship in Islamic countries. No to censorship in Europe. No to censorship in the United States. No to censorship of books, art, cartoons, caricatures, music, film. No to censorship of the Internet.
Joe Lieberman has completely disqualified himself as representative of democracy and has abandoned the struggle to maintain and defend and spread freedom and justice in the world.
The New York Times explains:
Joe Lieberman, Would-Be Censor
Published: May 25, 2008The Internet is simply a means of communication, like the telephone, but that has not prevented attempts to demonize it — the latest being the ludicrous claim that the Internet promotes terrorism.Senator Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut is trying to pressure YouTube to pull down videos he does not like, and a recent Senate report and a bill pending in Congress also raise the specter of censorship. It is important for online speech to be protected against these assaults.[...]Not only do these efforts contradict fundamental American values, it is not clear if they would help fight terrorism. Even if YouTube pulled down every video Mr. Lieberman did not like, radical groups could post the same videos on their own Web sites. Trying to restrain the Internet is a game of “whack-a-mole” that cannot be won, says John Morris of the Center for Democracy and Technology. Having the videos on YouTube may even be a good thing, because it makes it easier for law enforcement officials, the media and the public to monitor the groups and their messages.
Terrorism is a real concern. All Americans know that. They also know that if we give up our fundamental rights, the terrorists win. If people use speech to engage in criminal acts, they should be prosecuted. Cutting off free speech is never the right answer.
(Please also take the trouble to re-read the post on the film about the Charlie Hebdo case in Cannes below.)
Labels: Freedom, freely speaking, justice
Friday, May 23, 2008
Old and Adorable, Too
I'm not sure if my sister's and niece's descriptions would be exactly pleasing to the Berlin mom, though their thinking of her is certainly a welcome boost, but perhaps they are thereby revealing the extent of their own age and adorability! (See their comments two posts down.)
Nonetheless, this morning when we called her, Edith was already dressed, had packed her overnight bag, and was waiting for her release papers to go home. She had no nausea this time, and has no idea what her counts are, but "They said I can go home this morning and that's that." We were probably lucky to get her before she cashed in her hospital phone card and became unreachable until she reaches home, as she refuses to learn to operate a mobile, much less to let any of us give her one.
So now, she can wait two weeks and then face her sixth and final round.
A big round of cheers for a fine lady (whom other old and/or adorable ones can label as such)!
Labels: Berlin mom
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
It's Rough When Fools Love You!
C'est dur d'être aimé par des cons!
Un journaliste à Cannes
by FRANCE_24
Labels: Freedom, freely speaking, justice
Third Day of Fifth Round
This morning:
"Hold on, I want to put us all three together in a conference call."
"You there, too?"
"Oh, that's what you meant."
"Now you've got us both to talk to."
"I can go home on Friday."
"No transfusion this time?"
"No, otherwise I couldn't have started the chemo on Monday and wouldn't be home until Saturday."
"So that's good."
"Yeah, one day less is good when you're counting them down."
"You deserve it."
"Now I have to take iron tablets."
"We told you you should eat nails."
"Or nutella."
"I don't eat that crap."
"Or you could use a rusty nail as a lollipop."
"That would at least be funny."
"And how are you feeling?"
"Are you tired? nauseous?"
"I'm never tired. And nausea doesn't come till the last day."
"Then enjoy your breakfast."
"I already did. Talk to you later. Bye."
Labels: Berlin mom
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Clap Your Hands ...

Labels: Berlin
Brühnudel !
And next Wednesday they're cutting another piece of glass out of my hand which has decided to move to the surface and make itself noticeable in the past couple of weeks. It's been there more than four months and hasn't paid any rent! But that's a minor irritation in comparison to what Edith's facing. So three cheers for the Berlin-Mom and all wishes for a complication-free administration of several IV-bottles full of anticarcinogens!
Labels: Berlin mom
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
A Week's Delay Is a Week Well Won
Labels: Berlin mom, Freedom, freely speaking
Monday, May 12, 2008
Mother's Day in the Real World
Friday morning:
"The number you are calling is no longer in service."
So, let's try the Berlin mom's home phone....
"We're not in right now, but..."
So, let's ask Detti if he's heard from her.
"No, not yet. Why? Has she left the hospital?"
"Well, I suppose, but I can't reach her yet."
So, let's ask her other son: No answer.
So, let's ask his wife at work: Wrong branch of the bank she works in, they try to transfer me, but she's in a meeting with a customer, so they leave our number for a call back.
So, let's try her home phone again.
"Hello! Wait, let me dump these bags."
"Did I make you run for the phone?"
"No, I just got in after walking home from the hospital. I would have called to let you know."
"So, did you fake them out about someone being at home with you? Should we come spend the night just to be on the safe side?"
"No. My counts went back up. They let me out without conditions."
"And when do you have to go back?"
"Not until Tuesday; then they start the next chemo round or do a transfusion first, depending on the counts."
"How are you feeling?"
"Fine. Now I have to hang up and go grocery shopping. Have to get my bike out of the basement."
"Please be careful."
"Don't be silly."
"We like being silly."
Friday evening:
"So how are you doing."
"I'm fine. So you're both coming for Sunday lunch? I already bought everything for gulash."
"Yes, or we could take you out for Mother's Day."
"We're going out afterwards: to Heiko & Steffi for coffee and cake in the afternoon and then grilling in the evening."
"Yes, they asked us to, and we told them we'd leave it up to how you're feeling."
"I'm completely up to it."
"And to both grandkids at once?"
"You two can keep them busy. And besides, I feel fine."
And in fact Sunday was a very nice day for all of us. Edith enjoyed it all, her friend had his camera, Heiko & Steffi had theirs too, but we forgot ours, so we'll have to wait for one of the others to provide us with photo documentation of a perfectly sunny summer day for Mother's Day in Berlin this year.
Labels: Berlin mom
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Liberation through Capitulation
May 8, 1945
Victory Day, 63 years ago. Capitulation of the Wehrmacht to the Soviet Army (Keitel to Zhukov) in Berlin Karlshorst.
Tag der Befreiung, vor 63 Jahren. Das wir nie vergessen!
Nie wieder Faschismus! Nie wieder Krieg!
V-E Day already the day before, May 7, the date of signing of the capitulation to the United Allied Forces in Reims effective on May 8.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Counted Back into the Hospital
"Well, you said they said your counts are dangerously low..."
"Probably because I live alone. So they let me go get my toothbrush and so on and made me come right back."
"And what are they doing?"
"So far, nothing. And next Monday is correct for me to come back for my fifth round since they would start with a transfusion and then the first IV dose on Tuesday. That way the Whit Monday holiday doesn't matter."
"Will you be able to go home in between?"
"Well, I'm going to ask the doc tomorrow morning during rounds."
"Nothing, but I was out in the sun for two hours in the hospital garden. Even got some color on my arms. Maybe that will help my counts."
"At least you're laughing about it."
"Nothing else for me to do."
Labels: Berlin mom
Saturday, May 3, 2008
We Celebrated in TIPI Zelt am Kanzleramt with Tim Fischer: Zarah sans Dress
Follow the link and you can also click a one-minute sample of one of the songs of this diseur/chanteur!
TIPI Zelt am Kanzleramt - Tim Fischer: Zarah sans Dress:
“It’s high time Zarah made another appearance”, says Tim Fischer. And what an appearance it is: today’s “Zarah sans Dress” not only includes the well-known numbers sung by the darling of the Ufa studios, but also a number of rarities. And for good measure, Fischer adds songs that were never performed by Leander, but fit her like a glove.
Und hier die deutsche Version:
Tim Fischer: Zarah ohne Kleid
„Zarah muss mal wieder aus dem Haus“, findet Tim Fischer, der sein allererstes Erfolgsprogramm „Zarah ohne Kleid“ überarbeitet hat. Nicht nur die bekannten Lieder des Ufa-Stars, vor allem auch Raritäten unter den Leanderliedern hat Tim Fischer ausgegraben. Außerdem legt er ihr augenzwinkernd Lieder in den Mund, die die Leander zwar nie gesungen hat, die ihr aber passen wie ein Maßanzug.
Now we have another great memory together.
Labels: Berlin
Friday, May 2, 2008
Our Twelfth Anniversary
Zwölf Jahre schon
Gedichte meines Lebens widmen Dir
die Lichtung meiner Liebe, die Richtung
meiner Zeit, die Leitung lichter Dichtung,
lassen ahnen nur Deine Bahnen tief in mir.
Geteilte Zeit zusammen, maßlose Breite
erlebter Liebe, befreit mich und erhebt
in mir Gesang des Danks, der bebt
vor Freude und blickt in unsere Weite.
Immer lichter mir,
zwölf Jahre schon,
strahlend und vermählt,
Leben wird erzählt,
mein wahrer Ton,
immer dichter Dir.
-Für DS von RG, 2. Mai 2008
May the poem be in German, for the German whom I love, all the rest of you can all be sure it speaks passion and life and light and fulfillment and LOVE in all languages!
Labels: Berlin, freely speaking
Thursday, May 1, 2008
No Sport, No Art, No Brainer: TORTURE
It's May Day - International Labor Day
And that's something political, a day to remember that PEOPLE should be paid for work, the primary justification for the whole thing, NOT corporate profits.
As this poster from the DGB (German Union Federation) serves to remind us. Good work should be a component, and the German expression also denotes that there should be room for good work in companies, i.e. in terms of pay and other conditions
No riots in Berlin's favorite stone-throwing areas as of yet, and let's hope it stays that way as people demonstrate peacefully for a fair share of the pie.
In China, the commando-communist-capitalist Capos should today be reminded that the 100 day count-down to "their" olympics MUST also be a count-down for the institution of freedom of the press, freedom of expression, freedom of acces to information, freedom to peaceably demonstrate, freedom of art... The clock is ticking.
And don't forget there's another guy just itching to take over the bushbaby rattle and ensconce himself in the playpen:
Labels: Berlin, Freedom, freely speaking, justice, playpen