Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hilton Just Became a Class Act

Never cared one way or the other about this poor little rich girl, but after she was subjected to mccainy dumpings, she proved, with the video I simply have to share via the link below, that she's by far more intelligent than that aspirant to succeed the bushbaby as chief-wielder of the playpen rattle! Mccainy only proved how boorish he really is. Let's close the playpen forever!
Paris Hilton Responds to McCain Ad
An ad for The Paris Hilton Presidential Campaign. Paid for by Funny Or Die.


  1. thanks for the linkage. quite entertaining.

    though sometimes i think she was really just upset that she wasnt paid for her "air time". last i heard Paris wasn't registered to vote. but still, she gained a few points in my book for that.

  2. She's an entire hotel chain all by herself!
