Saturday, August 2, 2008

Dealing With Disruption

You can even get protesters at at speech to calm down and wait for the question and answer session following, give them a chance to speak, and address their concerns.

Or you can follow the recent German political model of trying to silence any and all who don't agree with you (even inside your own party), as the SPD is trying to do by seeking the expulsion of the former Minister of Economics, a 40-year member of the SPD, for his, admittedly unhappy, criticism of the Hessian SPD candidate in that state's election early this year. The problem is his new position as lobbyist for nuclear energy concerns. But try to discuss intelligently, and you'll only get snide remarks from the partner party in the coalition, the CDU. Whining Pohfalla will claim success as his party now has more members than the SPD, but not resulting from NEW members, but from fewer people quitting his party than the other. Proud pride!

And Angie just keeps right on doing and saying as little as possible, claiming to be the environmental Chancellor while coming up with CO2 emission formulas for the EU that provide heavier German auto models with a better environmental rating than lighter more fuel-efficient models from elsewhere. See the report from Frontal21 last Tuesday! And even better, this concluding satire TOLL! in which the chancellorette says, "Something might happen!"

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