A Fateful Date !
Today is one of those days to be ever remembered for many vital reasons, here the most important, the ones we should all recall:
November Revolution 1918 Novemberrevolution:
Maximilian von Baden announces the abdication of / verkündet die Abdankung von Kaiser Wilhelm II. Philipp Scheidemann proclaims from the Reichstag portal the "German Republic" / ruft vom Reichstagsgebäude aus die „deutsche Republik“ aus. At the same time / gleichzeitig verkündet vom Berliner Stadtschloss aus Karl Liebknecht proclaims from the Berlin City Palace the German / die deutsche Räterepublik.
Pogrom Night 1938 Reichspogromnacht:
Attacks on Jews and Jewish establishments, businesses, synagogues burned, police and fire department under orders only to protect non-Jewish property.
Übergriffen gegen Juden und jüdische Einrichtungen, Synagogen in Brand gesteckt, Polizei und Feuerwehr haben Weisung, nur nichtjüdisches Eigentum zu schützen.
Fall of the Berlin Wall 1989 Fall der Berliner Mauer
Just goes to show that the universe will balance itself between bad and good, given enough time. (I'll let you decide which that last one was!)
ReplyDeleteHappy Belated Birthday, Terri! Our daughter just celebrated her 11th birthday on November 4.