Where Do You Think You Can Move to ?
How high above sea-level do you live? how far from the coast? how open out on the plains?
How much sun can you endure? rain? wind? hurricanes?
How big is your bunker? how secure? how well equipped?
How much time do you think is left? enough till your demise? your siblings'? the next generation's?
How much of a luxury do you still consider solidarity to be?
Or are we ALL in this together, on one planet with its limited resources, which will not grow, but to which we must adapt, if we care to survive. Roaches will certainly adapt, but will humans? The former cannot think, the latter can, but will they?
À défaut de nouveau traité, un compromis politique pourrait servir de socle à la poursuite des travaux.
«Le train a failli dérailler», déclarait un délégué. «Tenez-vous bien et attention à la fermeture des portières, la voiture repart», lançait de son côté Yvo de Boer, le chef de file de l'ONU pour le climat… Jeudi les participants à la conférence de Copenhague filaient volontiers la métaphore, soulagés de voir que le processus de négociation n'était pas mort. Pour autant, le pessimisme qui avait gangrené le Bella Center la veille était loin d'avoir disparu.
UN secretariat initial draft shows gap of up to 4.2 gigatonnes of CO2 between present pledges and cuts required to limit rise to 2C.A rise of 3C would mean up to 170 million more people suffering severe coastal floods and 550 million more at risk of hunger, according to the Stern economic review of climate change for the UK government – as well as leaving up to 50% of species facing extinction. Even a rise of 2C would lead to a sharp decline in tropical crop yields, more flooding and droughts.
La journée de mercredi avait fini sur une note d'espoir, à la conférence mondiale sur le climat de Copenhague. La matinée de jeudi a paru en revanche mal engagée, jusqu'à ce que les pays en développement et les Danois, qui président aux discussions en tant que pays hôte, se mettent d'accord pour que deux textes restent en négociation : celui fixant des ambitions générales pour l'ensemble des pays de la planète, mais aussi celui prolongeant le protocole de Kyoto, qui fixe des objectifs contraignants de réduction des gaz à effet de serre aux pays développés.
"Clima positivo" e tante ore di lavoro notturno per cercare con tenacia un accordo sulle misure da prendere per frenare il riscaldamento del pianeta. Negoziati ad oltranza a Copenaghen dove il vertice dell'Onu sul clima è arrivato veramente in dirittura d'arrivo con l'arrivo dei leader. In attesa dell'entrata in scena di Barack Obama, prevista per questa mattina, i capi di Stato e di governo si sono rimboccati le maniche e hanno iniziato a negoziare sul serio, anche attraverso una girandola di colloqui bilaterali che arriveranno al culmine oggi con gli incontri che il presidente americano avrà - qui a Copenaghen - con il premier cinese Wen Jiabao, con il presidente russo Dmitri Medvedev e brasiliano Ignacio Lula da Silva.
Yet most analysts have diminished expectations for the document that leaders may ultimately sign Friday. Rather than a formal new treaty, most are expecting a political agreement that would form the basis for a broader, more detailed accord perhaps by mid-2010.
The current emissions cuts that would be incorporated as part of any future pact have come under fire as too weak to curb dangerous global warming. An internal U.N. analysis that surfaced Thursday afternoon predicted that even under the most ambitious targets countries have pledged, future global temperature rise is likely to exceed 5.4 degrees Fahrenheit.
Perhaps it would be a good idea to do something before it is too late. If all people and all nations cannot manage to work together on this, then each individual can forget about trying to protect himself alone!
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