Sunday, January 30, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Never Forget !
Labels: Peace, speaking and thinking
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Watch it, read it carefully, and think about it!
Another link to the text here.
Labels: Obama
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Pour la légèreté !
Ne soyons plus jaloux de cette certaine légèreté ; de la lourdeur, il y en a trop !
Labels: speaking and thinking
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Politically Correct?
Should Céline be condemned for his anti-semitism? Certainly, but where does literature remain in that political correctness? The pamphlets of Céline are certainly disgusting, but his literary works provide more insight into the great technically minded disaster of the Twentieth Century (enduring to the present day, besides) than any historical political account I know of. Voyage au bout de la nuit, Nord, Rigodon, D'un château l'autre are reason enough to celebrate the author Céline, and reading them reveal that the author himself often enough condemns the person Céline and recognizes the anathema he deserves/suffers.
A great author died 50 years ago, and with him a despicable anti-semite; his pamphlets have not stood the test of time, his amazing novels have and will endure and continue to influence a less technocratic more humanly focused style of writing.
Try reading the novels rather than merely parotting the obvious! And you might also consider what Philippe Sollers has to say about the whole affair of removing Céline from the list of cultural figures to be celebrated in 2011 by the French Ministry of Culture. The 50th anniversary of his death is the occasion.Le Monde, 21.01.11:
Le fantôme de Louis-Ferdinand Céline (1894-1961) a encore frappé. Au nom des Fils et Filles des déportés juifs de France, qu'il préside, l'avocat Serge Klarsfeld s'indigne, dans une lettre rendue publique mercredi 19 janvier, que l'écrivain français, connu pour son antisémitisme, fasse partie - à l'occasion du 50e anniversaire de sa mort - des personnalités incluses dans le recueil 2011 des célébrations nationales, publié par le ministère de la culture.Le Monde, 21.01.11:
"Après mûre réflexion, et non sous le coup de l'émotion, j'ai décidé de ne pas faire figurer Céline dans les célébrations nationales", a indiqué M. Mitterrand vendredi soir. "Ce n'est en aucun cas un désaveu à l'égard du Haut Comité [chargé d'établir la liste des personnalités] mais (…) une inflexion que j'assume pleinement", a-t-il ajouté. Auteur du Voyage au bout de la nuit ou encore de Mort à crédit, Louis-Ferdinand Céline a également rédigé plusieurs pamphlets violemment antisémites.
Peu après cette annonce, M. Klarsfeld a exprimé son "très grand soulagement". "Oui, c'est un très grand soulagement", a-t-il commenté au micro de RTL. "Je félicite Frédéric Mitterrand d'avoir eu le courage de désavouer ceux qui, dans son ministère, ont accepté que Céline figure dans ce recueil", a-t-il déclaré.
"Je considère Céline comme un grand écrivain, mais c'est un être abject également. (…) De ce point de vue-là, Céline n'avait pas sa place, ce n'était pas à la République de célébrer entre guillemets le plus antisémite de tous les Français de l'époque."
Quite correct!Fallait-il inscrire le cinquantenaire de la mort de Louis-Ferdinand Céline dans le calendrier officiel des «Célébrations nationales» 2011? Serge Klarsfeld, président des FFDJ (Fils et filles des déportés juifs de France), en appelle à Frédéric Mitterrand et Nicolas Sarkozy pour s'y opposer. Pour Philippe Sollers, auteur de nombreux textes sur l'écrivain, c'est «insensé».«C’est insensé. Il est insensé qu’un citoyen demande au président de la République de retirer un auteur de l’importance de Céline d’un volume officiel paru avec la validation du Ministère de la Culture. On ne pouvait pas mieux faire comme pub à Céline.Ca me laisse vraiment stupéfait. Cette réaction me paraît tout à fait illégitime et déplacée: on ne doit pas traiter la littérature avec ce genre de censure, qui se rapproche de celle de Monsieur Hessel à l’ENS par Madame Canto-Sperber, obtenue semble-t-il avec l’accord de Madame Pécresse. Tout ceci est extrêmement négatif. C’est une façon de jouer avec le feu qui me semble extrêmement dangereuse. Hemingway disait: «Quand ça va mal, la littérature est en première ligne.» Nous en avons la preuve éclatante. Les jugements deviennent déraisonnables.Cette affaire est absurde. J’ai rassemblé mes textes sur Céline dans un livre paru en 2009 (*), cela ne fait pas de moi un nazi notoire. Il a dit une chose définitive: «Je suis anarchiste jusqu’au poil.» Les deux grands écrivains français du XXe siècle sont Proust et Céline. Point, à la ligne.On peut critiquer Céline tant qu’on veut, on ne manque d’ailleurs pas de le faire, et il faudra évidemment publier une édition critique parfaitement formulée de ses pamphlets. On peut même critiquer tant qu’on veut ce volume édité par le Ministère. Il n’y a qu’à lui tirer dessus à boulets rouges, mais pas demander une censure au président de la République, enfin!»Propos recueillis par Grégoire Leménager(*) «Céline», par Philippe Sollers, éd. Ecriture, 107 p., 14,95 euros.
Labels: freely speaking, reactionaries, Sollers
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
What can be said about Tuscon and Giffords?
«La propagande du ressentiment et de l'esprit de vengeance a fait de grands progrès. Et ce n'est qu'un début.»
[Ph.Sollers, "La Vérité révélée par le Temps" in L'Infini n°113, p.36]
"The propaganda of resentment and the spirit of vengence has made great progress. And that's just the beginning!"
[my own spontaneous translation]
Would it be too much to ask all the inhabitants of the country from which I hail to finally lay down their guns and begin to think? Perhaps they might even think about helping one another, about a society of caring and mutual concern and support, instead of gunning each other down and resenting anyone who receives help by law. Government of the people, by the people, and FOR the people! The cowboys should no longer be free to shoot their opinions into orders!
May Representative Giffords quickly recover, scrap her own firearms, and vote for meaningful gun controls. (And I hope she has proper insurance to pay for her treatment!)
Labels: incompetence, justice, Obama, speaking and thinking
Friday, January 7, 2011
Tesoro d'amore
Merci bien à Philippe Sollers pour cette nouvelle possibilité de penser et de jouir. Le bonheur est un privilège secret et plus que saint !
Labels: Sollers
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
« La religion rend souvent fou ... »
Labels: Sollers
Reactionaries Moving Backwards
Just how far back do these partied-T banana-republicans want to move the United States? More than one hundred years after the rest of the civilized world, the US finally enacted a very watered-down version of universal health care for its citizens. These absurdly majoritied elephants in the House of Representatives, however, are determined to vote to let more Americans die and suffer from uninsured illnesses in order to "protect" business. Can they explain why business in Germany and most of Europe, with universal health care, is better than the US without it? Anyhow, the protection line is a bald-faced lie; companies with healthy employees are more productive than those with workers who come to work rather than go to a doctor when they are ill because they can't afford it and then spread their infections around the entire staff. This is just one trivial economic argument, but the real argument is concern for fellow man. Everyone should have access to all the benefits of treatment western civilization can provide.
So while they are moving backwards, maybe those elephants in the House porcelain shop should also consider digging up the Interstate Highways, cracking the Hoover Dam, repealing the holiday on July 4, closing Amtrak, and eliminating the Coast Guard, for these are all "federal intrusions" on tea party victims.
And then they can raze the cities and inform all citizens that they must begin to build log cabins again or live in wigwams because all federal mortgage programs are being canceled retroactively and the houses and apartments they all live in are being foreclosed on and demolished to sell the material to some other country that knows better what to do with values!
G.O.P. Newcomers Set Out to Undo Obama Victories
The New York Times, January 2, 2011Representative Robert E. Andrews, Democrat of New Jersey, challenged the Republicans to bring it on. “We will respond by pointing out the impact of repeal on people’s lives,” Mr. Andrews said. “On women with cancer who could be denied insurance because of a pre-existing condition. On senior citizens who would lose the help they are receiving to pay for prescriptions.”
Democrats argue that repeal would increase the number of uninsured; put insurers back in control of health insurance, allowing them to increase premiums at will; and lead to explosive growth in the federal budget deficit.
“For months, Republicans have been shoveling out hypocrisy and lies to the American public,” said Representative Joseph Crowley, Democrat of New York. Mr. Crowley and more than 60 other House Democrats have demanded that lawmakers pushing for repeal of the new law give up their own government-subsidized health insurance.The Democrats say Republicans will make a mistake if they focus first on repeal, rather than on finding additional ways to stimulate the economy and create jobs — a mirror image of criticism that Republicans lobbed at Democrats for the last 18 months.
Stand up for the Twenty-first Century and maintain health care for all!"Republicans want another debate about health-care reform? Well, so should Democrats. They beat us in round one with lies and scare tactics. We welcome a second shot," said Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.).
And Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), the outgoing speaker, said in a post on Twitter, "While Dems are focused on job creation, GOP is fast-tracking repealing patients' rights & Rx help for seniors."
Labels: incompetence, justice, Love, Obama, reactionaries
Saturday, January 1, 2011
What a Difference !
Check out these two New Year's addresses, of Obama and Merkel, and hear for yourself how he speaks to intelligent citizens and she speaks to babies in a nursery school!
Labels: button popping, Obama, Tigerentenpolitik