Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Wishes for humanity

Wishing each of you and all of humanity:
PEACE– that no human may suffer from any form of violence or inflict any form of violence on any other human (thus: no war, no terror, no fundamentalism, no murder, no capital punishment, no rape, no molestation, no torture, no intimidation...);
FREEDOM– for all, liberty insured by each person's respect of and tolerance for each other person, made possible by and enabling PEACE;
JUSTICE– blind and fair and equal for all to protect the innocent from those who obstruct or violate PEACE and FREEDOM, to protect them from punishment for crimes they did not commit, to protect us all from any infringement on or curtailment of our rights, to protect us from any and all abuse of power, to provide us with principled impartial decisions in disputes between individuals, factions, peoples, nations;
RIGHTS– human rights, civil rights, inalienable rights – which we guarantee one another: the right to be different and free of all persecution (which is always the violation of someone else's right not to conform to our own exclusive notion of what others may say or do or read or show);
TOLERANCE– accepting not only what is similar, but also what is different, alien, foreign, not only accepting, but indeed welcoming diversity;
KNOWLEDGE– to know more, even if only a little bit more, every day, which means opening up to the new, opening up to
LIFE itself and
JOY– at having the privilege to live, to learn, to grow, to be alive, to have the chance to
LOVE– in all its depth and breadth, welcoming, sharing
with the utmost tolerance and respect.
Then for me, all this is what it means to be
So my wish for mankind at this winter solstice, turn of the year, festival of light and hope of so many peoples, persuasions, religions, philosophies, cultures is to find the way to the fathomless depths beyond their particularities, to become ever more human, to fulfill what it means to bear the torch of humanity, to bring
unto the world.
- December 24, 2005

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