Thursday, March 27, 2008

Human Rights and the Olympics in China

As a group of fifteen olympic sportsmen in France have shown, it is possible to say to Chinese leadership that their actions in TIBET are NOT acceptable. It is indeed time to remind the "clique" there again and again that they promised to improve the human rights "situation" in that commando-communist-capitalist country with internal border controls and without retirement benefits or rights for its citizens prior to the Olympic games opening there. They have not done so!

It was a mistake to site the games in Peking this year!

Quinze athlètes français appellent Pékin au respect des droits de l'homme
LEMONDE.FR 27.03.08
En plein débat sur la répression au Tibet et un éventuel boycott de la cérémonie d'ouverture des Jeux olympiques de Pékin, quinze sportifs français – parmi lesquels Christine Arron, Muriel Hurtis et Yohann Diniz – signent dans les colonnes du Nouvel Observateur, jeudi 27 mars, un appel au président chinois, Hu Jintao, pour qu'il tienne sa parole de "respecter les droits de l'homme" et qu'il ne "gâche pas les Jeux".
© Le

The text of the appeal to the President of China reads in quick English translation as follows:
Mister President...
For being granted permission to organize the Olympic Games in Peking, the Chinese government committed itself to respecting human rights. Today, the violent repression of the riots in Tibet seriously conflicts with this promise given to the Olympic movement. The most fundamental rights are not being respected: neither personal integrity nor freedom of expression are possible in China. Mister President, some of us will be your guests in five months. As sportsmen, we have dedicated our entire existence to achieving this honor: participating in the most beautiful event invented by man. We believe that the Games, beyond the merchandising of sports, political rivalries, and instrumentalization, represent the purist humanity has: overcoming the self, brotherhood, friendship, and respect among peoples. We cannot be made hostages of politics nor a shield for an authoritarian regime. That is why, Mister President, we are asking you, today, solemnly, to honor your word. Do not spoil the Games.

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