Friday, June 27, 2008

Pulp Fiction Becomes Reality

The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that YOU have an individual right to have a handgun; that the millionaire's campaign funding law is unconstitutional; that Guantánamo captives have the right to habeas corpus, and this video draws the proper conclusion.

As the title of this post denotes, when reality emerges from Pulp Fiction, perhaps there is hope after all.

And what if the German team loses to Spain in the European Soccer Cup Sunday evening? But then the city of Berlin will celebrate second place for its team just as it did two years ago when they lost the World Cup and it will be as outrageous at the Brandenburg Gate as any victory celebration elsewhere. Many Germans would go into mourning, however, because they take soccer VERRRRRY seriously. Then again, Spain may lose, Catalonia may gain full autonomy, and Madrid can wear black.

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