Saturday, December 23, 2006

Ruinous pope / pape funeste

It is time again to warn against the ruinous pronouncements of Maledictus (maquerading as "bene", "male" is even more pernicious).
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) Friday, December 22, 2006; 11:37 AM - Pope Benedict warned in a year-end speech on Friday of an impending clash of cultures and religions [... and] reaffirmed the Catholic Church's rule of priestly celibacy and its condemnation of same-sex marriage[, ... which] "tacitly accredits those ruinous theories that strip all relevance from the masculinity and femininity of the human being as though it were a purely biological issue." [...] Theories "according to which man should be able to decide autonomously what he is and what he isn't" end up with mankind destroying its own identity," he said.

And the nihilism of his pie-in-the-sky abandonment of human responsibility is the most dangerous of all. If an ideology is ruinous, then such religious ideology, as apparent in the fuming rage it - in all its varieties - unleashes to threaten us all. And with this "papal condemnation" this so-called pope sees fit to attack me personally. So I will mince no words in proclaiming his lack of intelligence - clever though he is - because of the blinding power of his "ruinous" faith!
Sex and gender are indeed biological. What man makes of it is human, neither an animal nor a divine affair! (Or what is Maledictus implying about that lady with a baby in a cradle not procreated by the man she was married to?)
Une idée plus funeste que celle que proclame cet ainsi-dit pape n'est guère imaginable. Le manque d'expérience sexuelle l'a enfin rendu débil, malintentioné, et funeste même! Voir le rapportage de Le Monde:

© Le

Lors de ses vœux de Noël à la Curie romaine, vendredi 22 décembre, le pape Benoît XVI a fustigé avec vigueur les partisans du mariage gay, dénonçant leurs "théories funestes". Cette déclaration intervient alors que le débat sur le mariage homosexuel fait rage en Italie. Plusieurs élus de la coalition de gauche de Romano Prodi, divisée sur ce sujet, sont récemment intervenus en faveur des unions gays. Mercredi, deux d'entre eux ont ainsi disposé quatre poupées représentant des couples homosexuels près de l'Enfant Jésus, dans la crèche du Parlement à Rome. Dans son intervention, Benoît XVI a durement critiqué tous ceux qui mettent sur le même plan les mariages homosexuel et hétérosexuel. "Cela accrédite tacitement ces théories funestes qui refusent toute pertinence à la masculinité et à la féminité de la personne humaine, comme s'il s'agissait d'un fait purement biologique", a-t-il estimé.

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