Monday, December 11, 2006

Time to put some grown-ups in charge...

Now it's clear that the bushbaby playpen isn't capable of accomplishing ANY "mission" it has set out on (while trampling on civil and human rights at home and abroad in the process). Not even the Afghanistan-Pakistan area is secure against the Taliban and al Qaeda there, which are creating a mini-state of more and more strength.
This was what the playpen first set out to rid the world of after 9/11 ... so what is going on?
Isn't it time to set priorities?
Please refer to this New York Times report for more on this disaster! What follows is a brief excerpt from the beginning of the article:

Islamic militants are using a recent peace deal with the government to consolidate their hold in northern Pakistan, vastly expanding their training of suicide bombers and other recruits and fortifying alliances with Al Qaeda and foreign fighters, diplomats and intelligence officials from several nations say. The result, they say, is virtually a Taliban mini-state.

And this bit from near the end of the piece:
Morale is high among the resurgent Taliban after their revival in Afghanistan this year, one Pakistani security official said. That will lead to still more recruitment and better organization and planning in the year ahead.

Isn't it time to be realistic about what is going on in the world, rather than simply trying to pretend? Let's depose the playpen and ask some adults to take charge again.

Or anyone who can and will think.

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