Friday, February 9, 2007

Thursday at Chicora Court

The Countess, reclining and clearing and fearing and welcoming and ailing and hailing, never wailing nor frowning nor grumping, ever joking and stickling and snickering, for all tender and grateful and needful, received: Doll Baby, Emily, Ruth, Sybil, Lucille ; Henry, Wilma ; Cynthia, Lydia, Robert Little II ; Nora, Ruth ; and was attended by daughter and son.


  1. glad to see she's still getting a lot of visitors!

  2. Absolutely right... And there's no need for a Count Dracula visit today: her counts were high enough to do without a blood transfusion.
    (And I suspect my guest list was incomplete, anyway: I'll try to do better the next time.)
