Sunday, July 26, 2009

Reading and Preparing

Uwe Johnson's Das dritte Buch über Achim, halfway through...
E.A.Poe's Selected Tales, intermittently one or two, more than half (re)finished...
Bernard Sichère's L'Être et le Divin, just received and completed the introduction...
Pierre Guyotat's Progénitures, pending and CD for listening...
Claude Lanzmann's Le Lièvre de Patagonie, pending...

And preparing for Koko's house guest to arrive on Wednesday to spend almost a month with us while his folks are on vacation. His name is Pedro, and once the two of them are here together, the volume of intriguing babble in our apartment should increase noticeably without us contributing to it at all.
There will be pictures, perhaps even a short sound-film of the goings-on.

Elsewhere, my nephew is preparing for his wedding before shipping out to Japan. Good luck, Christopher, and keep watching for news about yourself and everyone else you know or don't.

Sunday postings are bizarre, and there's so much to do in the week these days that there otherwise seems to be no time!

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