Saturday, January 2, 2010

Beethoven and Freedom

Let us remember LIU XIAOBO, imprisoned in China for speaking and writing, all those imprisoned in Iran for expressing their opinions, bloggers and journalists around the world put behind bars for speaking out.
Beethoven's opera Fidelio dealt with nothing else: FREEDOM, the struggle to speak freely the truth.
Listen to the prisoner Florestan's lament and consider the urgent need, for only we can help those imprisoned by tyrannies. That is OUR duty!

In des Lebens Frühlingstagen
ist das Glück von mir geflohen!
Wahrheit wagt' ich kühn zu sagen,
und die Ketten sind mein Lohn.

In the spring days of my life
Happiness deserted me!
Truth I dared to utter boldly
And the chains are my reward.

Dänemark Mordanschlag auf Mohammed-Karikaturisten
02.01.2010 Ein Islamist dringt mit einer Axt in das Haus des Mohammed-Karikaturisten Kurt Westergaard ein. Die Polizei stoppt den Täter mit Schüssen. Hat er Kontakte zu al-Qaida?
(The Guardian)
Danish police shot and wounded man who broke into Kurt Westergaard's home wielding axe and knife. The Somali man has been charged with trying to murder the Danish artist whose cartoons of the prophet Muhammad sparked a storm of protest and violence across the Muslim world.
Standoff in Iran Deepens With New Show of Force
NYT, by MICHAEL SLACKMAN, January 2, 2010
Security forces filled Tehran streets to deter protests, as the opposition leader said he did not fear to give his life to his cause.

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