Sunday, January 17, 2010

Papal Discrimination - Again !

The papal malediction has once again proven how little thinking has to do with him and how opposed to freedom he remains:

To carry our reflection further, we must remember that the problem of the environment is complex; one might compare it to a multifaceted prism. Creatures differ from one another and can be protected, or endangered, in different ways, as we know from daily experience. One such attack comes from laws or proposals which, in the name of fighting discrimination, strike at the biological basis of the difference between the sexes. I am thinking, for example, of certain countries in Europe or North and South America. Saint Columban stated that: “If you take away freedom, you take away dignity” (Ep. 4 ad Attela, in S. Columbani Opera, Dublin, 1957, p. 34). Yet freedom cannot be absolute, since man is not himself God, but the image of God, God’s creation. For man, the path to be taken cannot be determined by caprice or willfulness, but must rather correspond to the structure willed by the Creator.

This creature was certainly uncreated and is a threat to the humanity of mankind!
So remember, according to the vacantine authority, you only have the freedom to be gay if you are god, so simply become the supreme ruler of your own life and teach this papal miscreant an important lesson!
FREEDOM IS HUMAN, not divine!

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