Thursday, January 29, 2009

And These Guys Were Ex-Excommunicated !

Maledictus should call his renegade ex-excommunicated priests and bishops to order! (Or is he secretly pleased that they are denying the reality of the Shoah?)

Prete lefebvriano: "Camere a gas per disinfettare" Rabbini cancellano l'incontro con i cattolici - esteri -

TREVISO - "Io so che le camere a gas sono esistite almeno per disinfettare, ma non so dire se abbiano fatto morti oppure no, perché non ho approfondito la questione". Sono parole shock quelle pronunciate, in un'intervista alla Tribuna di Treviso, da don Floriano Abrahamowicz, capo della comunità lefebvriani del Nordest. Le dichiarazioni del religioso - che rifiuta però di definirsi antisemita - riaccendono la polemica sul negazionismo nonostante il mea culpa pronunciato dal leader del movimento tradizionalista Bernard Fellay addolorato dalle parole del vescovo Williamson.
Pope Gesture to Traditionalists Outrages Jews - Washington Post

One of the four, the British-born Richard Williamson, has made statements denying the full extent of the Nazi Holocaust of European Jews, as accepted by mainstream historians.
In comments to Swedish television broadcast on Wednesday and widely available on the Internet, Williamson said "I believe there were no gas chambers" and only up to 300,000 Jews perished in Nazi concentration camps, instead of 6 million.

Healing Schism, Pope Risks Another - The New York Times

On Saturday, he said he would welcome back into the fold the four members of a sect founded in opposition to the reforms of the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s. The bishops are members of the St. Pius X Society, which was founded in 1970 by a French archbishop, Marcel Lefebvre, in opposition to Vatican II reforms. They were excommunicated by Pope John Paul II in 1988 after Archbishop Lefebvre consecrated them in unsanctioned ceremonies.
The most contentious of the four is the British-born Bishop Richard Williamson, who in a recent television interview said he thought the “historical evidence” was against six million Jews dying in Nazi gas chambers.
Some saw the pope’s decision as part of a trend, or at least an indication of his priorities.
“There is obviously a theological strategy, but the repercussions on the public opinion
field beyond the church are obviously only secondary in priority,” said Mordechay Lewy, the Israeli ambassador to the Vatican.
The move baffled Alberto Melloni, a professor of church history and the director of the liberal Catholic John XXIII Foundation for Religious Science in Bologna, which produced a history of Vatican II. “What is very inexplicable to me is how it’s possible to not calculate the consequences. This is abnormal,” he said.
Abnormal is the least you can call it. Maledictus may well be reactionary, purely reactionary!

++++ And this on the consistent revisionsim of the de-excommunicated Pius Society!

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